Department of Social Sciences Miami-Dade County Public Schools Celebrates Women’s History Month, 2017 Department of Social Sciences
Women’s History Month, 2017 The purpose of Women’s History Month is to call attention to the achievements of women in all facets of life including business, government, science, literature, the arts, medicine, and athletics. Women’s History Month provides schools with opportunities to highlight women from all backgrounds, both historical and current, who have made a positive difference in our community, nation, and world.
Women’s History Month, 2017 In 1981, Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah and Representative Barbara Mikulski from Maryland co-sponsored the first Joint Congressional Resolution proclaiming a “Women’s History Week.” In 1987, the National Women’s History Project successfully petitioned Congress to expand the celebration to the entire month of March. A special Presidential Proclamation is issued every year honoring the extraordinary achievements of American women.
Women’s History Month, 2017 The 2017 Women’s History Month theme is “Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business.” Throughout history, women have faced stark inequalities in the workplace including lower wages, poor working conditions, and limited opportunities. Despite these barriers, women have endeavored to expand their participation, leadership, and power in business and the labor force. This year’s theme presents the opportunity to honor women who have successfully shaped our nation’s history and its future as labor and business leaders by establishing their own businesses and founding organizations that paved the way for better working conditions and wages for women.
Department of Social Sciences Women’s History Month, 2017 Department of Social Sciences