MSFD PoMs workshop on CEA/CBA input to WG ESA


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Presentation transcript:

MSFD PoMs workshop on CEA/CBA input to WG ESA 1 April 2014 Brussels

Deliverables (documents) Some text in PoM Recommendation paper (changes due to workshop exchanges in the main text + possible annex summary report) Presentations and minutes on CIRCA Best practice exchange document including cases from workshop, other references and provide further insight into approaches applied Deliverables (documents)

Deliverables (further actions) Future issues of WG ESA Issues that sit outside of WG ESA, to be included in MSCG, WG GES

PoM recommendation On economic analysis: - Requirements of the Directive - Different functions of CBA/CEA mentioned (briefly, extended in best practice paper) - Table (category of measures) CBA not necessarily being monetized baseline worked out as described in the WG ESA guidelines (Baseline includes future scenario) Existing measures: - don’t report again if reported elsewhere. - are included in the baseline and expected effect of already implemented legislation delivers the baseline (if baseline includes future scenario)

PoM recommendation If no quantified target, CEA/CBA can still be done. Environmental effects: in time, monitoring will provide evaluation of “extent of success” of (sets of) measures (adaptive management) Good practices presented: Pragmatic approach, stakeholder consultation & integration in decision-making are key CBA does not necessarily have to be fully monetized (to be included in PoM Recommendation)

WG GES MSCG & other Environmental effects WG GES Baseline MSCG

Possible stepwise approach (PoMs recomm paper)

Can the stepwise approach be considered as a universal framework and be included in the PoMs Recommendation paper / best practice exchange doc? Is it too general or already too prescribing? What changes should be made? Which elements are lacking? Or /and adapt step-wise approach under PoMs recommendation IV to have it as a more pragmatic approach?