BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond A Snapshot of Road Safety in B.C. communities Presented to the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals Conference 2016, Halifax, NS June 6th , 2016 Mavis Johnson, Canadian Traffic Safety Institute Raheem Dilgir, TranSafe Consulting Ltd. (Co-chairs)
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond BACKGROUND Launched in 2013 Updated in 2015 Vision is that BC will have the safest roads in North America and work toward the ultimate goal of zero traffic fatalities and zero serious injuries.
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond WORKING COMMITTEES Identify priorities and opportunities for collaboration, suggest solutions and provide expertise in areas of: Safe vehicles Safe Roads and Communities Research and Data Safe Road Users Education and Awareness
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities OBJECTIVE Develop strategies for safer roads and safer communities in British Columbia. Identify enhancements to existing road safety programs, policies and standards in BC. Provide information and tools to communities in BC towards effective road safety outcomes.
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Working Committee Members Moudud Hasan (City of Kelowna) Gordon Foy (City of Nanaimo) Paul de Leur (ICBC) Dr. Gord Lovegrove (UBC Okanagan) Dr. Lisa Mu/Ingrid Tyler (Fraser Health) Joy Sengupta (MOTI) Dr. Kay Teschke (University of British Columbia) Liliana Quintero (City of Vancouver) Dr. John Carsley (Vancouver Coastal Health) Mark Allen (Town of Smithers) Dale Bumstead (Mayor of the City of Dawson Creek) Dr. Murray Fife (Island Health) Mirjana Petrovic (UBCM Representative) Richard Campbell (BCCC) David Hill (ICBC)
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities 2015 Activities Carry out a survey of BC communities on road safety issues, challenges and opportunities. Prepare a report on the survey results. 2016 Activities A toolkit of road safety management resources for use of communities across the province.
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Community Road Safety Survey Completed in June-July 2015 Google doc (electronic) survey 16 questions (selection-lists and open ended) 189 communities (municipalities) invited 81 responded (43% response rate)
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Small communities: < 5,000 population (43) Mid-size communities: 5,000 – 20,000 population (19) Large communities: > 20,000 population (19)
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Does your municipality have a formally articulated mandate to improve road safety? Yes No All municipalities 23 56 Population <5,000 6 36 Population 5,000-20,000 4 15 Population >20,000 13 5
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Percentage of annual capital budget targeted to improve road safety Highly variable Half of municipalities allocate less than 8%.
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Top 3 road safety issues identified:
British Columbia Road Safety Strategy 2015 Safe Roads and Communities Primary stakeholders identified RCMP/Police BC MOTI ICBC School Districts
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Next steps: Develop a plan of action to address the response findings
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Community Road Safety Toolkit To be developed by RoadSafetyBC under direction of SRACWC Committee Objectives: To close the knowledge gaps in road safety To encourage municipalities to embrace a stronger role in improving road safety To reflect the Vision Zero policy and the Safe Systems approach at the municipal level
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Community Road Safety Toolkit (cont’d) Synthesis of recent existing knowledge Reflect local context (smaller and large municipalities) Electronic delivery to facilitate updates/expansion Include focus on speeds, vulnerable road users and data issues Include information on financial resources Encourage innovation
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities
BC Road Safety Strategy 2015 and beyond Safe Roads and Communities Questions? Mavis Johnson Canadian Traffic Safety Institute Ltd. mavis@ctsinstitute.com Raheem Dilgir TranSafe Consulting Ltd. raheem@transafe.ca