INFORMATION ABOUT ASBESTOS General, Materials, Risks, Effects on health, Prevention at CERN, Work management, Your role as TSO, Summary. HSE Unit - Olivier Prouteau - 160883 EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial GENERAL Fibrous mineral substance Amphiboles Chrysotiles crocidolite white asbestos amosite actinolite tremolite EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial GENERAL Asbestos was used for its… Thermal properties : Excellent thermal insulator (and non-flammable), Acoustic properties : Excellent soundproofing material, Chemical properties : Resistant to acid when mixed with cement, Mechanical properties : Higher tensile strength than steel, Resistant to abrasion. EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial MATERIALS Sprayed asbestos Heat insulation False ceilings EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial MATERIALS Insulating sheets Roof tiles Roofing/weatherboarding Adhesive cement Floor tiles EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial MATERIALS Paints Asbestos rope Asphalt/road surfaces Gaskets Brakes EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Deterioration of the material: natural or human causes RISKS Deterioration of the material: natural or human causes Dispersion of asbestos fibres in the air They say we’re taking a risk with asbestos!! Not if we don’t breathe! Threshold People Inhalation of the fibres… serious illnesses Premises Contamination… no entry EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial EFFECTS ON HEALTH Recognised route of entry into the body: INHALATION Active/passive exposure Limits for workers and for the general public Occurrence of illness: 15 to 40 years after exposure Serious illnesses: asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, etc. EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial PREVENTION AT CERN 2. Risk management - ban on use of asbestos, - locating and identifying, monitoring the condition of materials, carrying out tests. 3. Work management - evaluation before starting the work, - follow-up, - work performed by personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills. 6. Information and Training - supervisors, contractors, TSOs, firefighters, etc. EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial WORK MANAGEMENT 2 APPROACHES Containment or removal (asbestos removal) For example: removing the heat insulation from a network of pipes, removing sprayed asbestos from a structure, removing floor coverings, removing tile adhesive, etc. Work on equipment that could release asbestos fibres (working with asbestos) For example: repairing a leak in a heat-insulated pipe, relaying of a floor covering, changing an asbestos-cement sheet, altering a false-ceiling panel, drilling or cutting in a wall containing asbestos, work on asbestos-cement cable carriers, dismantling of a ventilation system (braided gaskets), etc. EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial ASBESTOS REMOVAL Obligatory if materials are in a poor condition, during demolition, or in the phase before work Need to bring in specialised contractors approved in France and Switzerland, The contractor must draw up a plan for the removal and submit it to the relevant authorities (at least one month in advance!), Requirements for the worksite: a contained area with an airlock system, a guaranteed water supply and uninterrupted electricity supply, special waste management procedures by the contractor, air contamination checks, etc. A “green light” inspection (by the HSE Unit or the authorities) before removal begins EDMS n.848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial WORKING WITH ASBESTOS CERN must: inform the contractor of the presence of asbestos, require the contractor to take this risk into consideration, incorporate the contractor’s proposals in the risk prevention plan, check that operational and precautionary procedures are implemented. The contractor must demonstrate his ability to: evaluate the risks associated with the presence of asbestos in the framework of the work concerned draw up operational procedures, incorporating safety measures, inform and train all his personnel. Do not improvise!! EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial YOUR ROLE AS A TSO WHAT DO YOU THINK??!! EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit
SUMMARY Be vigilant, Assess the situation with common sense, Use your judgement when communicating, Act with restraint and discretion. EDMS No. 848384 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial HSE Unit