Human Services Department MMIS Replacement (MMISR) Project Planning Phase An HSD initiative to replace the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) May 21, 2014 Julie Weinberg, NM HSD MAD Director & Executive Business Owner Sean Pearson, NM HSD CIO & Executive Technology Owner Dan Clavio, MAD Operations Manager & Business Owner Chuck Boudreaux, HSD IT Project Manager
MMIS Replacement Project Contents Project Summary Project Objectives/Benefits Project Status since Initiation Planning Phase Funding/Budget Planning Activities Estimated Timeline Planning Certification Request
MMIS Replacement Project Project Summary Planning Phase for MMIS System Replacement (MMISR) Current MMIS will not be CMS compliant in 2019. Required by Federal CMS to operate in compliance with CMS Seven Standards and Conditions. Required by CMS to align with the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA 3.0) and increase its “MITA maturity” over time. The solution will address the challenges of ongoing changes in the technology and healthcare fields. Support for high-cost & long-term project (5+ years). Planning Phase will determine most effective solution. Julie
Project Objectives / Benefits MMIS Replacement Project Project Objectives / Benefits Objectives: Perform a State Self-Assessment (SS-A) per CMS requirements (MITA). Research Federal and State requirements for the replacement system. Support the writing and execution of the System Integrator and IV&V RFPs and Contracts. Benefits: CMS / MMIS Compliance. Efficient and effective replacement process. Chuck / Julie
Project Status Since Initiation MMIS Replacement Project Project Status Since Initiation Initiation Activity Status PCC Initiation Completed December 18, 2013 State Funding Request HSD / MAD Funding of $200,000 Federal Funding Participation (Match) FFP at 90% = $1,800,000 Project Management Office (PMO) for both CSESR & MMISR Contract negotiations complete; Contract estimate complete 6/15/2014; PMO start 7/1/2014 Chuck
Planning Phase Funding/Budget MMIS Replacement Project Planning Phase Funding/Budget SFY16 Estimate Amount New Mexico Legislature (will be requested) $ 400,000 Federal Funding Match (CMS) $ 3,600,000 Total Estimated for SFY16 $ 4,000,000 Dan
MMIS Replacement Project Planning Activities Activities Est. Date PMO Contract (for CSESR & MMISR) Completed 6/15/2014 PMO Contractor Starts 7/1/2014 Master Project Schedule Draft Completed 8/31/2014 Project Management Plan (Updated along with other Project Plans) Updated 9/30/2014 Medicaid Information Technology State Self Assessment Completed (MITA SS-A) Completed 2/28/2015 MMISR Project Planning and IAPD Activities Completed 04/30/2015 RFP Development and Procurement Support, Systems Integrator Contract Completed 3/31/2016 Chuck These are estimates from what we know now. When the PMO comes on board, we will have a more thouroulgy define these dates. Planning ends when the Systems Integrator starts
MMIS Replacement - Schedule Overview MMIS Replacement Project 8 MMIS Replacement - Schedule Overview 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Planning PMO RFP MMIS PMO Start Integrator Contract Requirements Requirements Review Design Detailed Design Review Development Chuck / Dan Testing Test Review Impl. Operational Readiness Review MMIS Certified by CMS
Planning Certification Request MMIS Replacement Project Planning Certification Request HSD Requests PCC Certification of $2,000,000 for Planning in SFY15. SFY15 Amount New Mexico Legislature (Laws of 2014, CM 63, Sect 4) $ 200,000 Federal Funding Participation (Match by CMS) $ 1,800,000 Total for SFY15 $ 2,000,000 Dan
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