Grants Management 101 Part A TAA CCCT Grantees October 26, 2011
How Feds see themselves
How Grantees View Feds
The New DOL Grantee Our Expectations of You: A program that is designed to focus on customer needs and to address those needs A program that meets the requirements of Federal law and regulation A program in compliance with TAA requirements, OMB Requirements and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. A high quality program that is backed up by a high quality proposal
The New DOL Grantee What you can expect from us: Assistance with regulations & requirements On site technical assistance & monitoring Assistance with fiscal & programmatic issues
The TAA-CCCT Grantee Part of a new program New requirements Collaboration between Labor and Education New requirements Different requirements Different terminology High level of interest Reporting accurately
Grants Management Process Key Players Grant Award Assurances, Certifications, and Special Conditions Modifications
Roles of Key Players Grant Officer Grant Management Specialist Executes final grant Executes modifications Maintains official grant files Grant Management Specialist Serves as the assistant to the Grant Officer Works directly with the FPOs Reviews information for modifications Recommends approval of actions to the Grant Officer
Roles, cont., Federal Project Officers (FPOs) Provides daily customer service to the grantee POC for the duration of the grant Conducts oversight (desk and on-site) Provide guidance as needed Make recommendations for grant actions to the Grant Officer
Grant Award Letter of Award Grant Agreement Notice of Obligation (NOO) Signature page Statement of Work (SOW) Budget Assurances and Certifications Special Clauses and Conditions Notice of Obligation (NOO)
Signature page Period of Performance Total Government Financial Obligation Uniform Administrative Requirements Cost Principles
Other Requirements Nondiscrimination and EEO Drug Free Workplace 29 CFR Part 37 Drug Free Workplace 29 CFR Part 94 Lobbying 29 CFR Part 93 Lobbying Certification Suspension and Debarment 29 CFR Part 98 Audits
Audit Requirements 29 CFR Part 99 Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations Audit requirements Procedures for resolution of audit findings $500,000 threshold for grant recipient and sub-recipient OMB Circular A-133 Single Audit Act 29 CFR Part 99 Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations
Other notices Administrative Cost limit Definition Solicitation for Grant Applications incorporation
Part I: Statement of Work Part II: Budget Information Part III: Assurances/Certifications Part IV. Special Clauses/Conditions
Statement of Work Project Description Timelines Outcomes Deliverables
Budget Information Standard Form (SF-424A) Line Items by Cost Category Budget Narrative
Assurances/Certifications Access to Records Statement of Work Conflict of Interest/Personal Gain Safeguards Non-Discrimination and EEO All Applicable Requirements
Special Clauses and Conditions Your FPO and contact information Equipment requirements Pre-Award costs Reporting requirements Consultant fees Publicity Procurement Audit requirements
Special Clauses and Conditions Evaluation ACORN Prohibition FFATA requirements Indirect Cost requirements Administrative Cost Limitation Intellectual Property Rights
Grant Modifications What is a modification? Why do a modification? What are modification indicators? FPO Modification Analysis Reasonable Performance Best interest of the government
the Terms of the Grant Agreement What is a Modification? Mechanism to Change the Terms of the Grant Agreement
Why Do A Modification? Change of Scope Program Design Very rare only minor changes will be considered Program Design Target population Service Area Performance Outcomes Outcome Measures
Why Do A Modification? Budget Re-alignment Change in salaries, fringe benefits and indirect costs line items Change in line item </>20% Change in Period of Performance Change Indirect Cost Rate Change FPO Change Authorized Representative Equipment Purchases >$5k
Budget Line Item Flexibility Prior Grant Officer approval required for: ANY increase/decrease in personnel, fringe benefits, and/or indirect costs line items More than 20% change for any other line item Prior Federal Project Officer (FPO) concurrence requested for: Change within personnel line item Change within fringe benefits Prior FPO consultation suggested for ANY change to budget
FPO Modification Analysis Grant Quality Services Staffing Grant Efficiency Timely Cost Effective Grant Performance Enrollments Expenditures
Paperwork Required Must be submitted on organization’s letterhead Must be signed by the Signatory Authority Indicate the purpose and why the modification is necessary How the change will benefit the program Appropriate documentation to support modification
What accompanies the request? Revised SF-424a Detailed budget narrative Descriptive information Explain composition of each line item Justify amounts and changes requested
Submitting the Modification ALL requests for modifications should be submitted to your FPO The FPO will review and recommend approval or disapproval to the Grant Officer Note: First line of contact is the FPO!
Financial and Administrative Management Next Session Preview Financial and Administrative Management November 2, 2011 at 2:00 pm ET Uniform Administrative Requirements Cost Principles Financial Reporting When? How? What information?