Polis Phalanx Democracy Helots Philosophy The early Greek city-state, consisting of a city or town and the surrounding countryside “The rule of many”; government by the people Philosophy In ancient Sparta, a captive person who was forced to work for the conqueror An organized system of thought, from the Greek for “love of wisdom” A wall of shields created by foot soldiers marching shoulder to shoulder in a rectangular formation
Most Athenians lived either in the countryside or in the _________________, another word for a city. At the time of the ancient Greeks, slavery was not yet considered unacceptable, as shown by the fact that there were ____________ in some of the city-states. The _____________ was originally a very effective military formation because it caught the enemy by surprise. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates were all famous men in ancient Greece because they studied _________________ and spread their wisdom to many people. America traces some of its political ideas to Ancient Greece because we vote for our leaders, a key part of a __________________.