Clause Complex Analysis in No Greater Love by Danielle Steel (A Study of Functional Grammar) Ernawati Maryam 63707013
Points are: Background to the Study Research Question Objectives Framework of the Theories Classification of Data Data Analysis Conclusion
Background to the Study Clause Clause Complex Taxis Logico-semantic relation
Research Question What taxis relations are showed in clause complex in No Greater Love novel by Danielle Steel? What logico semantic relations are resulted from the taxis relation?
Describe the taxis relation showed in Clause Complex in No Greater Love by Danielle Steel. Describe the logico-semantic relations resulted from taxis relation.
Framework of the Theories System Functional Grammar Ideational meaning ........Interpersonal meaning Textual meaning Clause as representation Clause as exchange Clause as a message Clause and clause complex Logico semantic relation Taxis Elaboration Extending Enhancing Parataxis Hypotaxis
Classification of Data Elaboration Extending Extending-enhancing Enhancing Enhancing-extending
Analysis Data Analysis: The Winfields walked on past the gym then, and they came out on the port side, where the crew were uncovering eight wooden lifeboats. (No Greater Love, 46) Analysis: First Clause: The Winfields walked on past the gym then Independent clause Second clause: they came out on the port side Independent clause
First clause + and + second clause = Parataxis extending Third Clause: where the crew were uncovering eight wooden lifeboats Dependent clause First clause + and + second clause = Parataxis extending Second clause + where + third clause = hypotaxis enhancing In the second clause, conjunction “and” has function in order to add the other informations to the first clause (they refer to the Winfields). In the third clause, conjunction “where” shows a place (“where” refers to the port side).
Phillip stayed outside on deck, with Jack Thayer and Charles, who were helping the women and children into the lifeboats. (No Greater Love, 59) Analysis: First clause: Phillip stayed outside on deck, with Jack Thayer and Charles independent clause Second clause: who were helping the women and children into the lifeboats dependent clause Independent + dependent clause = hypotaxis Who elaboration specifying in greater detail Who refers to the Phillip, Jack Thayer and Charles
Conclusion Parataxis Extending Hypotaxis Elaboration Enhancing
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