COURSE REGISTRATION FOR 2018-19 Log into HAC Click on CLASSES at the top
Look over your FOUR YEAR GRAD PLAN paying special attention to next year. Discuss with teachers, parents, and counselors.
Make sure your total credits = 7 for courses selected for next school year.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CORE SUBJECTS (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) PE/Athletics World Language (2 years) Professional Communications/Comm App/Speech Fine Art Electives that support your ENDORSEMENT
When will I meet with my counselor? February 5-March 1 through your Social Studies class Check with your Social Studies teacher to find out your specific date. You will meet one-on-one with your counselor to discuss options. Go to NISDTX.ORG to view the 2018-19 Academic Planning Guide for a complete list of courses. Click on “students” at the top.
PAY ATTENTION TO DEADLINES! All courses must be selected by Spring Break (March 9). Email will be sent in April for final course confirmation. Instructions to submit final adjustments will be in the April email.
AP and OnRamps Seminars Are you interested in taking any AP or OnRamps courses next year and want to know more about them? Attend an AP/OnRamps Seminar during Primetime in January, February, and March Check schedule and listen to announcements Click HERE for Schedule of all Workshops Workshops will focus on encouraging students, talking about what students will learn, and reviewing strategies to be successful during the course. Students will hear from current students and teachers about course expectations.
Dual Credit courses – Summer and Fall registration meeting coming soon Listen for announcements, check Counseling website, Remind101, read Counseling Department newsletter Class Rank coming out end of January!