The British Offensive In the Spring of 1814 Britain won the war against France The British now were able to send much of their navy and many more troops to deal with the United States
Attacks on Washington, D.C. In August 1814, the British sailed into Chesapeake Bay, on the outskirts of Washington D.C. British troops quickly overpowered the American militia and burned and destroyed everything in the most distant degree connected with government Capital and President’s mansion Fortunately, a violent thunderstorm put out the fires before they could do more damage
Baltimore Holds Firm The British did not try to hold Washington Left the city and sailed north to Baltimore Baltimore was waiting and ready for the British The British were kept from entering the town by a determined defense and ferocious bombardment from Fort McHenry in the harbor
Baltimore Holds Firm During the night of September 13-14, a young attorney named Francis Scott Key watched as the bombs burst over Fort McHenry Key was able to see that the American flag still flew over the fort Deeply moved by patriotic feeling, Key wrote a poem called “Star Spangled Banner” 1931 Congress designated it as the national anthem
Defeat at Plattsburgh General Sir George Prevost led British troops into New York State from Canada His goal was to capture Plattsburgh, a key city on the shore of Lake Champlain The Invasion was stopped when American naval forces on Lake Champlain defeated the British fleet in September 1814 The British troops retreated to Canada because they knew they would be Bombarded by U.S. ships from Lake Champlain
Defeat at Plattsburgh After the Battle of Lake Champlain, the British decided the war in North America was too costly and unnecessary Napoleon had been defeated in Europe To keep fighting the United States would gain little and was not worth the efforts
The War Ends American and British representatives signed a peace agreement on December 24, 1814 in Ghent, Belgium (Treaty of Ghent) The treaty did not change any existing borders Nothing was mentioned about impressments Neutral rights was no longer a issue because France was defeated
The War Ends Before word of the treaty had reached the United States, one final- and ferocious –battle occurred in New Orleans Redcoats were no match for Andrew Jackson’s soldiers Andrew Jackson became a hero, and his fame helped him win the presidency in 1828
American Nationalism Federalists opposed the war from the start Unhappy New England Federalists gathered in Connecticut at the Hartford Convention Some favored secession To protect their interests, they drew up a list of proposed amendments for the Constitution
American Nationalism Following the news of Jackson in New Orleans and the peace treaty of Ghent, the Federalists grievances seemed unpatriotic The party lost respect in the eyes of the public The young nation had gained new respect from other nations in the world Although the Federalists Party was weakened, its philosophy of a strong national government carried on by the War Hawks Favored trade, western expansion, energetic development of the economy, and a strong army and navy