What is Soil?
“ Soil is the hidden, secret friend, which is the root domain of lively darkness and silence” Francis Hole
“a living, dynamic system with organic and inorganic components “a living, dynamic system with organic and inorganic components. Soil is a product of its environment and parent material”.
components By volume: By mass? 45% mineral 5% organic material 50% space (air/water) By mass? 0% air 18% water 80% mineral 2% organic material
1. The mineral component inorganic “mineral”: definition? Primary: original components of earth crust Secondary: new minerals made by weathering of earth’s crust divided by particle size: Sand, silt, clay
mineral make-up due to: a. Parent Material b. How resistant minerals are c. Climate d. “Age”
a. parent material material on and in which soil develops
Examples of soil developing IN rather than ON parent material: 1 Examples of soil developing IN rather than ON parent material: 1. Apostle Islands
2. Boundary Waters
11 different parent materials …..
Regolith/bedrock: weathered rock
Alluvium: deposits on a flood plain from a river
Marine deposits: shell, reef and other “bits” formerly at bottom of ocean that have been uplifted
Lacustrine deposits: clay deposits originally laid down at the bottom of a lake; lake is no longer there
Example: glacial lakes in MN
Till: unconsolidated material deposited by glacial ice
Outwash: unconsolidated, sorted material deposited by meltwater from a glacier
Organic sediments: peat
Volcanic ash
Loess: deep deposits of silt that have been deposited by wind
Sand: beach sand, dune sand
Colluvium; material that moved downslope, as in a landslide
mineral make-up due to: a. Parent Material b. How resistant minerals are c. Climate d. Age
b. resistance of minerals Soluble minerals are readily LEACHED from soil profile (Ca,Mg,Na) Certain minerals tend to accumulate in soil (oxides of Fe, Al, Si)
c. Climate Amount of leaching Rate of weathering
d. Age Parent material is (usually) less influential in “older” (more highly developed) soil
2. Organic Component Living (primarily decomposers) Non-living (dead and all in-between stages of decomposition)
3. The Space component Soil pores filled with air and/or water
A. soil air O2 CO2 N2 H 2O vapor (per cents by volume) (rh) Above-ground atm. 20.97 0.03 79.0 <100% Soil (grassland) atm. 18.4 1.6 79.2 100 %
B. soil water Functions? Polar molecule