Personalized Medicine Prof. Dr. Fridoon Jawad Ahmad King Edward Medical University
A Few Decades Ago
In a Few Decades
Why Personalized Medicine Not only we are different physically. We are also different biochemically.
Three Categories of Human Diseases Genetically Determined Determined by both Genetic and Environmental Factors Environmentally Determined
Genetically Determined Genetically determined diseases are hereditary and are passed on from one generation to next. For example hemophilia, cystic fibrosis some types of cancers and probably the one most people here would have heard of thalassemia.
Determined by both Genetic and Environmental Factors Many common human diseases are “multifactorial” which have two components Genetic factor + Environmental Factor Diabetes and hypertension classical examples of this category Envoirnmental factors can change gene expression
Environmentally Determined Such diseases are caused by environmental agent such as an allergen or a pathogen. If look carefully even diseases considered caused by purely environmental influences may also have a genetic component e.g. asthma & susceptibility to certain microbial infections.
The Common Denominator GENETIC Implies the sequence DNA of patient Know thy sequence Likelihood
The Detection
Where Are My MinIONs
MinIONs to the Rescue
The principle
Full Genome Sequencing
The PCR Amplification Cycle 1 cycle = 3 steps
Knowing the Recipe Book Enough?
Do Have Live With Our Genes Do Have Live With Our Genes? Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
The Cellular Approach
Stem Cells 1) Stem cells are unspecialized cells that renew themselves. 2) Under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, Stem cells can be induced to become cells with special functions. Embryonic Adult Customized
Customized Stem Cells
iPSCs Expression of 4 genes in some cells can transform them into pluripotent stem cells. Cord Blood Stem Cells
Put Your Future In The Bank Which Bank? No tissue banking facilities in Pakistan. Why the Banks? Blood cancers Tissue replacement & engineering
Organ Engineering
Biomedical Sciences @ KEMU
Biomedical Sciences @ KEMU Ghazala Butt and Mehmood Chodhry
Biomedical Sciences @ KEMU Mustahsan Basheer and Mehmood Chodhry
Future is Now In just the last two years, the FDA approved four cancer drugs for use in patients whose tumours have specific genetic characteristics that are identified by a companion diagnostic test. Last year, FDA approved a new therapy for use in certain cystic fibrosis patients with a specific genetic mutation.
Three-dimensional (3D) printing 2013, three-dimensional (3D) printing was used to create a bio-resorbable tracheal splint for treating a critically-ill infant