CSBS Faculty Workshop: Cayuse 4/5/16 CSBS Faculty Workshop: Cayuse Presented by: Frances Solano, Sherrie Hixon and Stef Friesen May 4, 2016
Agenda Introductions What is Cayuse? When to initiate a proposal 4/5/16 Agenda Introductions What is Cayuse? When to initiate a proposal Who can input a proposal When to input a proposal How to input a proposal into Cayuse 5/4/16
What is a “Cayuse” eRA system: Electronic Research Administration 4/5/16 What is a “Cayuse” eRA system: Electronic Research Administration Implemented by ORSP Replaces the paper PAF (Proposal Approval Form) Collects demographic data on proposal activity Documents institutional approvals Can electronically transmit federal grant proposals to Grants.gov 5/4/16
When to initiate Cayuse 4/5/16 When to initiate Cayuse Your interest has been defined as a project Hypothesis to be tested. Problem to be explored. Question to be answered. Project period is determined. Collaborators identified Methodology determined. Sponsor has been identified. Specific grant opportunity--Program announcement (PA) or Request For Proposals (RFP)-- has been identified. Confirm that proposed project meets sponsor’s goals. Budget has been developed Work with SBS Grants Officer or ORSP Grants Coordinator 5/4/16
Who can input into Cayuse? 4/5/16 Who can input into Cayuse? YOU! Or SBS Grants Officer will initiate for you. Or ORSP Grants Coordinator. No matter who initiates, the principal investigator must complete the following sections: Conflicts of Interest Regulatory Compliance Export Control Intellectual Property Community Benefits 5/4/16
When to input a proposal into Cayuse? 4/5/16 When to input a proposal into Cayuse? At least 10 days prior to deadline, proposal record must be created in Cayuse. Budget must be developed in excel template and uploaded to Cayuse Work with SBS Grants Officer or ORSP Grants Liaison Subcontractors (external collaborators) must be identified and ORSP notified. Abstract must be uploaded. At least 5 days prior to deadline, all final documents must be uploaded to Cayuse. ORSP Grants Liaison will review and submit for internal approvals. Upon completion of approvals, ORSP Grants Liaison will submit to sponsor Federal grants: Grants.gov Other sponsors: As required by sponsor. 5/4/16
How to input into Cayuse? 4/5/16 How to input into Cayuse? See instructions (handout) Also posted on SBS Faculty Research website. 5/4/16
4/5/16 Discussion… QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? SUGGESTIONS? 5/4/16
Future CSBS Workshops – Fall 2016 Location: Sierra Hall, 4th Floor Whitsett Room6 Days? Times? 5/4/16
Frances Solano, SBS Grants Officer 4/5/16 Contacts Frances Solano, SBS Grants Officer Ext. 6135, frances.solano@csun.edu Stef Friesen, ORSP Grants Liaison Ext. 2901, stefanie.friesen@csun.edu 5/4/16