Chapter 15 As you read… Highlight for author’s craft/ literary devices & theme.
Chapter 15 Discussion Questions: Pick one question to write the answer to in your journal: On page 128, the soldiers start singing the Sierra Leone national anthem. The words Beah reprints are “High we exalt thee, realm of the free, great is the love we have for thee…” Why does he include that line in his story? Does it surprise you that Beah spends a relatively small portion of the book describing his time as a solider in the war? Why might he have decided to devote much more time to his life before and after his time in the army? Describe the scene between the various groups of boys who are brought to the rehabilitation home. Would you consider these boys beyond hope of rehabilitation? Would the U.S. juvenile justice system consider them beyond hope? What is a theme for this chapter?
Author’s Craft: Chapter 15 Each one of you is responsible for writing a paragraph about the author’s craft. Follow the directions on your Patterned Reading Journal handout. You will include information about THEME this time. Find a significant quote and identify the DEVICE that Beah is using. Ex: Metaphor, personification, characterization, a _________ tone, diction, etc. Your first sentence of your paragraph will look like this: Beah uses [insert device here] in order to convey [insert theme here]. The rest of your paragraph will explain (with text support) how Beah uses that particular device to convey your group’s theme.