Anjar substation control building with Damaged wall inside Anjar substation control building with Damaged wall inside Anjar substation control building with temporary support column
Buildings located near steep slopes Buildings located near steep slopes. Must be away from steep slopes for better resistance to forces.
located on filled – up soil Buildings located on filled – up soil Buildings located on filled – up soil should be avoided
filled – up soil should be provided Buildings located on filled – up soil should be provided Buildings located on filled – up soil should be provided with raft on pile foundations
Addition of shear walls to decrease span of diaphragm
Shape of Buildings Shape of Buildings
The optimal (regular) seismic configuration
Buildings with irregular configuration
Buildings with abrupt changes in lateral resistance
Buildings with abrupt changes in lateral stiffness
Typical analytical diagram of earthquake forces
For complicated configuration more than two axes may be used for analysis
Earthquake forces on buildings
Earthquake forces: The reality
Earthquake forces acting on a large building
Localized strength and stiffness
Arrangement of shear walls and braced frames- not recommended.
Arrangement of shear walls and braced frames recommended
Arrangement of shear walls and braced frames recommended Discontinuity in Diaphragm Stiffness
Diaphragm openings Diaphragm openings
Buildings with offsets
Damage to buildings with offsets
Damage to buildings with offsets
Re-entrant Corner Re-entrant Corner
Irregularity in masses
Elastic and Plastic behavior of mild steel
Response Spectra Response Spectra
Beam Reinforcement Beam Reinforcement
Transverse Reinforcement in Column
Column and Joint Detailing
Beam Column Intersection
of shallow foundations Examples of shallow foundations Examples of shallow foundations (a) Combined footing; (b) Combined trapezoidal footing; (c) Cantilever or strap footing; (d) Octagonal footing; (e) Eccentric loaded footing with resultant coincident with area so soil pressure is uniform
Examples of mat foundations (a) Flat plate; (b) plate thickened under columns; (c) beam- and-slab; (d) plate with pedestals; (e) basement walls as part of mat
Common types of cast-in-place concrete piles: (a) Uncased pile; (b) Franki uncased-pedestal pile; (c) Franki cased-pedestal pile; Common types of cast-in-place concrete piles: (a) Uncased pile; (b) Franki uncased-pedestal pile; (c) Franki cased-pedestal pile; (d) Welded or seamless pipe pile; (e) Cased pile using a thin sheet shell; (f) mono-tube pile; (g) Uniform tapered pile; (h) step-tapered pile.
Typical pile configurations
Common types of earth retaining structures
Common types of earth retaining structures Separation Joints Common types of earth retaining structures