CABOT CARTIER CHAMPLAIN JESUITS & COUREUR DE BOIS NEW FRANCE WAR! 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
The fishing area found near Newfoundland where Cabot found Cod “so thick you could walk on it”.
What are the “Grand Banks”?
The name of Cabot’s documents that gave him the right to “claim land for England”.
What were the “Letters Patent”?
Name of the Country Cabo Sailed for, the country he was from and his real name.
What was England, Italy and Giovanni Caboto?
The name of Cabot’s ship AND the two resources that Cartier mistook for valuable resources.
What was: 1. The Matthew 2. Iron Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) and Quartz
One of the two natives that agreed to help Cartier because they saw great trading possibilities with the French.
Who were: Taignoagny & Domagaya?
The modern province that Champlain established Port Royal in.
What is Nova Scotia?
One of the 3 native groups that Champlain allied with against the Iroquois.
Who were the Algonkians, Hurons and Mantagnais?
Name of Champlain’s winter “cooking club”.
What was “The Company of Good Cheer” or “L’Ordre de Bon Temps”?
Where there is evidence of a Viking settlement (province and area).
L’Anse aux Meadows , Newfoundland?
Why did Champlain ally himself with the Hurons (despite making the Algonkians and Montagnais angry).
What are: Trading connections Live in area with -good fishing -good farming 3. Good knowledge of area 4. Good traders?
The reason the Jesuits had more success converting aboriginals than anyone else.
What is they were willing to live with the tribes and learn their language and culture?
This company, run by Champlain, fell into bankruptcy.
What was the “Company of 100 Associates”?
2 reasons why the Jesuits experienced greater success in converting the natives.
What was: 1. they would go anywhere 2 What was: 1. they would go anywhere 2. they were prepared to make any sacrifice 3. they would adopt native traditions
2 challenges that made learning the native language difficult.
What was: 1. the meaning of the word changed according to the location from where it was spoken. 2. one word could have several meanings. 3. the tone or inflection changed the word’s meaning?
What “coureurs de bois” did, AND the 2 most famous of them AND the company they founded.
What are traded furs and explored the Great Lakes AND who were Radisson and de Groseilliers AND what was the Hudson Bay Company?
The 3 positions that made up the Sovereign Council of New France.
Who were the governor, intendent and bishop?
How did Talon develop New France so that Europeans would live there?
What was: -bring women over from France to live there -built a tannery, lumbermill and brewery developed basic industries -brought the army in to make it safer from attack -established a ship building company?
The theory of mercantilism.
What is the belief that there is a certain amount of wealth in the world and it is in a country’s best interest to accumulate as much of it as possible?
5 descriptions of the life of a habitant in New France.
What are: 1. lives revolved around the manor and Church 2 What are: 1. lives revolved around the manor and Church 2. children worked in fur trade 3. had large families 4. ate very well 5. were primarily farmers 6. enjoyed music and stories 7. their farms were long strips that edged the river
The man who recruited the “Filles du Roi”, who they were and the purpose they served.
Who was Talon, who were “The King’s Girls” and what was to increase the population of New France by starting large families?
The fertile area that the British, French and Natives all fought for control over.
What was the Ohio Valley?
The people that were forced off their farms and the modern province in which they lived.
Who were the Acadians and Nova Scotia?
The 2 French commanders whose “infighting” caused serious problems for New France’s military.
Who were Montcalm and Vaudreuil?
4 descriptions of the events leading up to the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
What was: 1. British hid in “Anse aux Foulons” 2 What was: 1. British hid in “Anse aux Foulons” 2. they pretended to move supplies up the river 3. they snuck up the cove and formed a “thin red line” across the Plains 4. They waited patiently for the French to attack, then slaughtered them.
Name of the man who commanded the British troops at the Plains of Abraham and what happened to him in battle.
Who was: James Woolfe and he was shot and died?
Treaty that ended the 7 years war/French Indian War . Treaty that ended the 7 years war/French Indian War
What was the Treaty of Paris?