Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS Mar 12, 2015
JV BASEBALL 3-12 vs Dutchtown HOME 5:55
Art Club/NHS Meeting Thurs March 12th in the art room 3:30pm – 4:30pm .
Thursday, Mar 12th in Room 117 @ 7pm Summer of 2016 Meeting for all students interested in this trip Thursday, Mar 12th in Room 117 @ 7pm
GOLF 3-12 vs Newton @ The Oaks
Student tickets $5 at the door The Grove Players present: March 12 – 13 at 7:00pm Student tickets $5 at the door HCPAC
VARSITY SOCCER 3-12, 13, 14 @ Jekyll Island
UNTIL MARCH 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN UNTIL MARCH 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN UNTIL MARCH 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beta Club will be selling shamrocks for Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. during lunches: Until – March 13. $1 for green / $5 for gold
VARSITY 3-12 vs Dunwoody HOME 5:30 3-14 @ Lakeside-Evans 10:00 3-14 @ Greenbrier 2:00
VARSITY TENNIS 3-13 @ Granger Tournament 3-14 @ Granger Tournament
12 guaranteed scholarships are available ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 Eligibility: minimum 3.0 GPA; ACT minimum of 19 . OR SAT combined verbal & math of 920 Deadline: March 13th!!! *See Mrs. Stone in the counseling office
Kohl’s Scholarship Ages 6-18 Have you made a difference in the community? If so please stop by the counseling office. DEADLINE: March 13th Website: kohlscorporation.com/CommunityRelations/scholarship/index.asp
Atlanta Electrical Contractors Electrical Apprenticeship Interested in electronics? Atlanta Electrical Contractors Career Day for Electrical Apprenticeship Friday, March 13th www.atlantaelectrical.org/Career%20Day.htm
Coaches Invitational @ GA Tech TRACK & FIELD March 13th- 14th Coaches Invitational @ GA Tech
JV 3-14 @ Lakeside-Evans 11:30
9th Grade Baseball 3-14 vs Westlake HOME 11:00/1:00
5K Run/Walk March 14th @ Union Grove High School Stadium Henry County Schools Special Olympics is sponsoring 5K Run/Walk March 14th @ Union Grove High School Stadium See Debra Brown for details dsbrown@henry.k12.ga.us
JV SOCCER 3-16 vs Luella 5:30 7:00 3-19 @ Dutchtown 7:00 girls 3-19 vs McIntosh 7:00 boys
Football/Competition Cheerleading and Mascot Tryouts Meeting March 17th at 7:00pm in the Media Center *Please bring a parent!
9th GRADE SOCCER 3-19 vs McIntosh 5:55 girls 3-19 @ Locust Grove 7:00 boys
Amount: Full Scholarship Deadline: March 25th Amount: Full Scholarship Website: http://www.questbridge.org/for-students/cps-college-prep-scholarship QuestBridge helps exceptional low-income students. Most are in the top 5 percent of their high school class.
Psi Alpha Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Psi Alpha Omega Chapter Scholarship *Applicants must be African American *Minimum 2.5 overall GPA *http://www.psialphaomega.org/ *Due March 28th
Open to all Juniors & Seniors in Henry County by GESA Tuxedo Giveaway! Open to all Juniors & Seniors in Henry County by submitting an essay DEADLINE: April 1st WEBSITE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MQPS2LG There will be 5 winners!
Ms. VonLanken in the front office or from Ms. Merlino in room 333 PROM TICKETS can be purchased from Ms. VonLanken in the front office or from Ms. Merlino in room 333 Tickets are: $80.00 No ticket sales in April
Deadline: April 3rd, 2015 Must be a senior entering a Georgia college in the Fall http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/cbaofga.site- ym.com/resource/resmgr/Scholarship/2015_Julian_and_Ja n_Hester_A.pdf
Saturday, April 11th 8am – noon Free lunch & football game tickets Open House Program Saturday, April 11th 8am – noon Free lunch & football game tickets Call 800-868-6598 to register
For sophomores juniors, & seniors *See counseling office for info Agnes Scott College Great Scott Open House April 11, 2015 For sophomores juniors, & seniors *See counseling office for info OPEN HOUSE
Join Student Government! applications available in room 226 Run until APRIL 14th Join Student Government! 2015-2016 Student Council and Class Officer applications available in room 226
& Pageant participants Bring to Kelli Smith in room 702 Please check your closets for formal dresses, suits and dressy shoes of all sizes for the Special needs Prom & Pageant participants Run until March 20th Bring to Kelli Smith in room 702
Contest Award: $10,000 Deadline: April 24th *http://scholarshipmentor.com/west-point-bridge-design-contest
Ask your counselor about the $1000 Bryan Memorial Scholarship Attending Georgia Tech? Ask your counselor about the $1000 Bryan Memorial Scholarship offered by Chi Psi Deadline: April 30th
under Administration tab then Counseling for several SCHOLARSHIPS Check the SCHOOL WEBSITE under Administration tab then Counseling for several SCHOLARSHIPS
Class of 2015 Most Outstanding Seniors Sidney Cameron Noah Craft Taylor Duty Rachel Durham Dakota Gammage Zac Graham Emory Hancock Katherine Hancock Neil Hancock Makenzie Hickman Jessica Kim Whitney Lehrer Sammy Mauldin Hannah Middlebrook Thushara Muddireddy Ryan Palmer Zoe Parker Ragan Pollock Jenny Salinas Jonathan Slade Noah Van Gorder Ayeshka Wickramisuriya Austin Williams Meredith Wrye
Women’s History Trivia Used Thursday 3.15. 2012 Who was the 1st woman to go into outer space?
LUNCH Hot Dog Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese THUR 3-12 LUNCH Vegetable Beef Soup w/grilled cheese Hot Dog Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese Sweet potato fries, Cole slaw, Sliced pears THURSDAY Nov 15th
Thursday Used March 1, 2012