1 Auxdata Order Management A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington This presentation prepared by John Milczewski Flotilla Operations Officer Flotilla Bellingham, WA June 2013 John Milczewski
2 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Welcome to the Auxdata Order Management System AOM is designed so Facility Owners and Coxswains may request orders. AOM works on a number of browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer (Mac & PC) All Coxswains and Facility Owners may have access to the AOM Data Base.
A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To gain access to the AOM Data Base you MUST complete the following steps: 1.Have an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) account with the Finance Center (FINCEN) if you do not already have one. 2.Have an individual or unique address. You may not use a shared address. The system will select your primary AUXDATA address. If you need to add or change your primary address use the Auxofficer on line 7028 web form Change of Member Information.)
A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT ( Continued) USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington 3. Have an AOM account. Contact your FSO-OP if you do not have an AOM account or are not sure whether you have one or not. You will also have to establish a password for your account. A temporary one may have been provided for you.
5 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington You must have an Electronic Funds Transfer account ( EFT ) established with the Finance Center, even if you do not ask for reimbursement. If you do not have an EFT account, go to the Finance Center at: At the Finance Center go to Vendors and then sign up for EFT online EACH OWNER and COXSWAIN must have an EFT account in their own name.
6 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington AOM has two (2) data bases. One for Training (Training-Blade server) and one for Production. (Production- Blade server) You must make sure you are in the Production Server when you are requesting orders or looking at updating or completing your orders.
7 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Training – Blade Server When you first sign on and want to use the training data base, this is the URL to use.
8 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Production – Blade Server When you are ready to actually Request Orders then you need to use the Production Data Base.
9 USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Click OK when you are ready to proceed.
10 A O M IF you do NOT have a password ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Click HERE to get password
11 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Click HERE to get password Complete this form to retrieve your Password !
12 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington In order to get started actually using the AOM system you should first go to the URL: GETTING STARTED
13 A O M Requesting or viewing orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington When ready..click here! Notice, Production Blade server ! !
14 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Log in time! jmilczewski ( Your User Name is your first initial and your last name! )
15 A O M AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Log in time! jmilczewski ( Enter YOUR password)
16 Weekly Calendar ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Notice monthly calendar on LEFT side. May 1 is highlighted on this calendar. May 1st is the first day shown on this calendar view. To view a particular day CLICK on that day in the small calendar. May 1 has only been chosen as an example!
17 Weekly Calendar ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Notice the color coding of the Patrol Orders Patrols are shown by time of day. WN numbers and Facility names are shown as space allows.
18 Weekly Calendar ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To select the Monthly view click on the Month tab at the top of the calendar.
19 Monthly Calendar ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To change months click on the directional arrows on the small calendar on the left. To change months click on the directional arrows on the small calendar on the left.
20 Select one day ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To select a single day, such as May 18 th, click on that date (May 18) on the small calendar on the left and then CLICK on DAY at the top of the monthly calendar. You will now be able to see EVERY patrol on May 18 th. Each Order will be color coded and the start time will also be shown.
21 Daily Calendar ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To see the patrols listed starting before 8 am, you need to scroll UP to their beginning time. Day: May 18
22 Viewing Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To VIEW the orders for any Facility, click on the name of that Facility, or anywhere in the colored section for that Facility. You will now see the ORDERS for that Facility. You will NOT be able to change anything unless it is your own Facility or you are the Coxswain designated as the Operator. You will be able to see the Facility Information including name, Facility ID number, crew, etc. Each Order is Color coded.
Sample Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Order Number Facility Owner Operator
Requesting Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington To Request Patrol Orders you first need to find the month and day on the calendar, June 1. Click here to begin request ! Note: Date is shown here.
Requesting Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Now to Request Patrol Orders you NEXT need to click on the Request Order box above the small calendar. Click here to begin Request ! Click here to begin Request !
Requesting Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington This is what the blank order form looks like !
Filling out Patrol Request ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington First: Choosing your Facility! Only YOUR Facility/Facilities will show here
Select Owner if more than one. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Form with Owner as Operator. Automatic first choice You may have more than one owner, if so, select one
Select Owner if more than one. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Form with Owner On Board!Coxswain other than owner
Permission for extra Coxswains. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington IF you, as a Facility owner, want to allow someone other than yourself to be listed as Operator, you MUST indicate that on your 7003, Vessel Inspection Form and Offer for Use form. This MUST be done at the bottom of page 2 of the 7003 form, Section VII, Operation of a Facility by a non-owner. You MUST indicate by name, ID number and unit number who you will allow to operate your boat. If you DO NOT specify anyone, then no one else will be allowed to act as Operator or coxswain of record.
Select Requested Date. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Special accounting information shows as soon as Facility is entered. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington This information is automatically filled in when Facility Name is entered.
Select Sub-Unit. (Sector Puget Sound) USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Select Patrol Type. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Select Patrol Time. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Select Patrol Time. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Select Patrol Area. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Select Patrol Area. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
Add comments. Briefly describe mission. ( e.g. Ski to Sea Regatta ) USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
40 Submit your request ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington ONLY this part can be completed until the orders are approved. Only this much can be completed before your request is approved
41 Confirmation of SUBMITTED ORDERS USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Click OK to return to the Calendar
42 To return to Calendar….! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Click on Close Without Saving to return to calendar any time.
43 Submitted Orders Calendar ! USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington ORDERS will show in the calendar in BLUE once they have been received. ORDERS will show as GREEN in the calendar once they have been approved. You will receive an response to your submitting orders.
A O M Once you have submitted your order request, it may take a day or two until they are approved. You will receive notification when the orders are approved. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M Orders Approved NOW go into AOM and click on your ORDERS. Notice the color has been changed to green (APPROVED) Now you may ADD ITINERARY and put in the ADD CREW information. Crew members will receive an notice that they have been scheduled for your crew. USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
46 APPROVED Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Now ADD Itinerary
A O M ADD ITINERARY SCREEN: Start USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M ITINERARY : Mission Code USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M ADD ITINERARY SCREEN Select OPCON: Sector Puget Sound USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M Enter Start and End time USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M Itinerary : Area USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M Itinerary : Waters USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
A O M Itinerary: Waters USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
55 APPROVED Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Now ADD Second Itinerary
A O M Two events during patrol USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
57 APPROVED Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Now ADD Crew
58 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Adding Crew members
59 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington ADD CREW by number
60 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington ADD CREW by name !
61 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Choose by highlighting name & then click SELECT!
A O M When you add crew before a patrol you can make sure your crew are qualified and not REYR or trainees. Members who are REYR will be shown as trainees.
63 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Make sure you SAVE your changes. Close (without saving) takes you back to calendar !
64 Completing Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Before completing orders make sure you have each member of your crew listed. (No 7030s anymore) USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington
65 Completing Patrol Orders USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Complete this section when finished with the patrol and ready to turn in receipts.
66 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Put in Expenses and attach receipts. Scan or take a picture of your receipts and then attach them by clicking on Receipts(.jpg,.png, or.gif )
67 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Signature of Claimant and Operator. (use password for signature) Remember, both Claimant and Operator must have AOM and EFT accounts
68 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Click SAVE and then click on Complete Order
69 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington DO NOT click in the small boxes if you are expecting reimbursement. You would only check the box if the items were provided directly to you, e.g., box lunches or motor pool fuel.
70 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington If you need to Cancel an order, click here !
71 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington You will receive an showing where your Patrol Order is in the payment process. Contact your FSO-OP if you have questions or problems.
72 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington IN SUMMARY : Auxdata Order Management system users must be facility owners or coxswains Users must have their own Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) account with FINCEN AOM accounts must be requested and passwords established for log-in Facility Owners must designate specifically on their 7003 Offer for Use which Coxswains may operate their facility.
73 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington IN SUMMARY (CONTINUED) : A calendar format is used to display orders and their status. AOM communicates with users whenever changes occur in the orders. Since AOM submits the 7030 information automatically to Auxdata, it is essential that the Coxswain confirm the accuracy of the information before submitting completed orders. Contact your Operations Officer if you have questions or problems.
74 A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington Make sure your Flotilla Ops Officer is aware of any patrols you are planning. Have fun and expect that this system will help us as we respond to requests from the Coast Guard.
75 Auxiliary Order Management A O M USCGAUX Bellingham, Washington This presentation prepared by John Milczewski Flotilla Operations Officer Flotilla Bellingham, WA June 2013 John Milczewski