Branding and Public Relations
Activating Strategy Find examples of 3 creative business cards that you would like to mimic as your own personal business card. Wow factors can include the graphics or physical design of the card. Create the business card based on your inspiration piece(s) . The cards will be printed out. How will yours stand out from the crowd?
What goes on a business card? Name Logo Phone#/Email/Address Website, social links Include a “brand promise” somewhere. If on the back, hand out cards with that side showing.
Use graphics to separate blocks of information Job Titles and taglines can be used but are not necessary Need to use blank space (that’s for you, T Swift fans!) Don’t clutter your card. You can use the back for non essential information if needed (services provided, etc.)
Typical Issues Small font Not consistent with website and other corporate materials (brochures, etc.) Light font Cheap paper quality Too much information Excessive use of clipart used
Ask Yourself Why will my card stand out? What message do I want to portray? If someone looks at my card for 5 seconds, what do I need them to now?