PROUNOUNS Singular Plural 1st person Saya, aku Kami, kita 2nd person Anda, kamu, awak, engkau, Encik, Puan, Cik - Same as singular- 3rd person Dia, ia, beliau Mereka
Cikgu hendak berjumpa dengan saya. Aku sudah lapar. 1st person (singular) Use your own name with people who know you, or else the pronouns saya, which generally means “I”. Saya is suitable at anytime,anywhere and in whatever situations. Aku also means “I” but it used in more informal circumstances, among friends. For examples : Cikgu hendak berjumpa dengan saya. (The teacher would like to see me) Aku sudah lapar. (I’m hungry)
Kita patutlah memberikan kerjasama yang baik. 1st person (plural) Kita and kami are plural pronouns that can be used at anytime, anywhere and in whatever situations. These two words have slightly different meanings. Kita includes both the speaker and the person spoke to while kami refers only to the speakers excluding the person spoken to. For examples : Kita patutlah memberikan kerjasama yang baik. (We should give good cooperation) Pihak asrama meminta kami membuat laporan itu. (The hostel administrators requested us to write the report)
2nd person (singular/plural) Use Encik or Puan/Cik. In circumstances, the first name alone may also be used. If the person being addressed is about the same age as yourself, use anda or saudara. Kamu, awak or engkau may be used for children or if you know the person well. It refer to the person spoken to. Their usage however depends on who you are talking to, situation and the place where the conversation is carried out.
Anda is used in a formal situation and it may refer to more than one persons in which case anda semua is also normally used. For example: Anda semua diminta berbaris. (You are required to stand in line)
(Norman asked, “What do you want to eat Eddy?”) The word engkau, awak and kamu is used in an informal situation. It is usually used to refer to friends or people younger than the speaker. It is however not appropriate to be used to refer to people older than the speakers. For example: “Engkau hendak makan apa Eddy?” Tanya Norman. (Norman asked, “What do you want to eat Eddy?”) “Di mana kamu ambil benda ini?” Tanya kakak. (My sister asked, “Where did you get this thing?”)
Semasa ia pergi kamu semua sedang tidur. 3rd person They are used to refer to the people one is talking about conversation, for examples ia, dia, mereka, beliau and –nya. This words can be used for everybody. The word beliau is used to people of higher status in the society. The words ia, dia and mereka can be used to refer to more than one persons. For examples: Semasa ia pergi kamu semua sedang tidur. (We were asleep when he/she left) “Jangan beritahu dia saya datang ke sini,”kata Ali. (Ali said, “Don’t tell him/her I came here”)