16. Reality check ll Essential EAFM Date • Place Version 1.


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Presentation transcript:

16. Reality check ll Essential EAFM Date • Place Version 1

Session objectives After this session you will be able to: Check on the status of the EAFM plan implementation Consider whether implementation is in line with the principles of EAFM Check on the practicalities – is the supporting environment in place? Re-visit constraints and opportunities in meeting your FMU goals 2

Early in the implementation Step 4, we need to step back and do Reality Check II. Refer to large Flipchart of this on wall to keep up as reference throughout course. Show where we are in course. 3

Reality Check II Where are we now in the EAFM cycle? Check on whether the main mechanisms, processes, resources and institutions for EAFM implementation are in place This is a check on whether you have all the building blocks in place to implement the EAFM Plan. Module 16 explains all elements in much greater detail. Many of these resources were discussed when we considered the principles of EAFM and during the Startup processes but now it is time to reflect. 4

Activity: In your groups There are 7 principles (on white paper) There are a number of questions (on blue paper) Match the questions to the principles Group activity to discuss what you need to check to see how well the EAFM plan is being implemented. Task: match each of the 7 principles with the relevant questions and discuss (for answer see Module 16, Introduction, Table A: EAFM principles in practice). Good governance Is there an adequate legal framework? Are effective compliance and enforcement arrangements in place? Are effective management institutions and arrangements sufficiently developed? 2. Appropriate scale Is management at the appropriate ecological, human and governance scales? 3. Increased participation Is co-management with relevant stakeholders working? 4. Multiple objectives Have the different objectives for management been considered and trade-offs made? 5. Coordination and cooperation Are nested institutions and resource user groups working? Is cooperation, coordination and communication taking place? 6. Adaptive management Can the management system learn by doing and adapt accordingly? 7. Precautionary approach Has management commenced despite a lack of data and information? Are management actions more conservative when there is greater uncertainty? 5

7 Principles of EAFM The reality check is based on the 7 principles. Are we implementing these? We will do an activity in a minute that identifies what questions we need to be asking for each of the principles. 6

Key success factors Good governance with effective compliance Co-management with empowered stakeholders Adaptive management So if we consider all 7 EAFM principles, we do have a fairly long list of questions that we need to be asking. The main ones are good governance with effective compliance, co-management and adaptive management We call these key success factors. 7

a supporting environment Also need: a supporting environment Adequate resources (personnel, equipment, training) for EAFM? Adequate financing? Adequate data and information to support management? Effective communication strategy? Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E)? In addition to all the questions on implementing EAFM principles, we also need a SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENT. These include: Adequate resources: see Reality Check I (day 3) when we talked about resources (Module 12); Financing: see Step 3.4 financing (Module 14) (day 4 morning); Data and information: see in Step 1.3 Scope the FMU (Module 10) and monitoring indicators (Module 13) we talked about data and information; Communication strategy: see Step 4.1 we covered communication strategy (Module 15, previous session); M&E: we will cover M&E in Step 5 next session . 8

Activity: As a large group Take the “constraints” (challenges) and “opportunities” you developed earlier Place the opportunities on the floor inside the circle and the constraints outside the circle Discuss how valid these still are for achieving your FMU goals. Amend as appropriate. Plenary activity: revisit challenges (constraints) and opportunities developed in session 5 (for fisheries management in your country) and refined in session 12 (for achieving your FMU goals). Make a string circle on the floor at back of the room (as big as 2-3 flipcharts). Groups place their (yellow) opportunity cards inside the circle, and their (green) challenges cards outside the circle. All walk around and re-read cards. Trainer reminds that these are their own-identified constraints and opportunities to achieving FMU goals. Facilitate a discussion, asking: “Now that we understand more about EAFM process, consider: are constraints/challenges still valid?” Consider each constraint card in turn, and ask participants’ opinions. Have some constraints become opportunities? (if so, take the card and place inside the circle); others may considered less serious and so can be moved closer to the circle. How can remaining constraints be addressed? Discuss opportunities, are there any more? End on a positive note as many of the constraints are likely to be moved. Record outputs in Workbook. 9

Key messages In Reality Check II: Check whether everything is in order before putting to much of the EAFM plan into action Consider whether the EAFM principles are being met Check whether the practical arrangements are in place (the supporting environment) Self explanatory 10