Overview of IHOP-FRA activities including LEANDRE 2 analyses


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of IHOP-FRA activities including LEANDRE 2 analyses IHOP_2002 Spring Science Workshop 24-26 March 2003 NCAR, Foothills Laboratory, Boulder, CO

Overview of IHOP-FRA activities Teams and objectives of IHOP LEANDRE 2 contribution IHOP-FRA priority days Activities envolving LEANDRE 2 20 June ELLJ/Bore case CI-related activities BLE-related activities BLH-related activities (poster by J. Tarniewicz) Intercomparison exercise (oral by Behrendt) Other activities GPS (oral by J. van Baelen) Modelling (poster by F. Couvreux)

Teams and objectives of IHOP-FRA

Teams and objectifs of IHOP-FRA 3 TEAMS (CNRS/METEO-FRANCE): LEANDRE 2: L2 operation during IHOP, L2 data processing and analysis GPS: operation of 7 GPS receivers, processing and analysis Modelling: Meso-NH and MM5 simulations (LES, CRM) 3 TRANSVERSE RESEARCH THEMATICS : Theme 1 : ABL processes; secondary circulations in the ABL; WV heterogeneities in the ABL and its connections with surface heterogeneities Theme 2 : Morphology of drylines and breeze-like circulations Theme 3 : Convective initiation; moisture transport into MCSs; Diurnal cycle of convection

LEANDRE 2 contribution to IHOP_2002

DIAL H2O LEANDRE 2 Standard processing: 100 shots (10 sec.) 800 m horizontal resolution 300 m vertical resolution Precision: 0.05-0.1 g kg-1 at 3.5 km 0.3-0.4 g kg-1 near surface Bias RMS / RSD: 0.15 g kg-1

LEANDRE 2 in the NRL P-3 Sideway pointing in the ABL Vertical pointing (nadir or zenith) coupling with ELDORA clear air measurements Radom ELDORA L2 mirror fairing

LEANDRE 2 operations during IHOP 142 h scientific flights Boundary-Layer Heterogeneity*: 7 missions / 35h28 Boundary-Layer Evolution**: 3 missions / 21h16 Convective Initiation**: 12 missions / 73h18 Evening Low-Level Jet*: 2 missions / 11h19 *nadir pointing **horizontal pointing

Collaborations (ongoing/anticipated) LEANDRE 2 golden days Quality LEANDRE data / high scientific interest (12/24): BLH: 27 May; 29 May; 07 June BLE: 14 June; 21 June; 25 June IHOP-FRA priorities ELLJ: 07-08 June; 20 June CI: 10 June; 12 June; 15 June; 19 June Collaborations (ongoing/anticipated) CI: Tammy W., Dave K., Hanne M., and Roger W. : 10, 12, and 19 June cases, Wen-Chau and Huaqing: 9 and 11 June cases. Bore: Steve K. and the “Bore science Team”: 20 June case BLE: Tammy W.: 14 June case BLH: Ken D. and Ken C.: all cases

LEANDRE 2 processing 2 3 1 terrain 4 LEANDRE 2 scientists: C. Flamant, K. Lhomme (PhD), and T. Weckwerth with support from: P. Genau (CNRS) and C. Pettet (NCAR) 2 3 CNRS: Horizontal data processing: K. Lhomme and C. Flamant (Analyses are conducted by Karen as part of her PhD) Nadir data processing: C. Flamant 1 terrain 4

Analyses envolving LEANDRE 2

ELLJ/Bore related activities 20 June 2002 case

ELLJ/Bore-related activities Objectives: Study the life cycle of a bore event, Compare observations with hydraulic theory, Understand the role of bores in nocturnal convection maintenance, Water vapor budget, Validatation for high-resolution numerical simulations. Means/instruments: WSR-88D radars (triggering mechanisms), L2+S-POL (temporal evolution), Profiling in Homestead (break-down), Dropsondes MANDOP-type 3DVAR analyses –including ELDORA, S-POL, DDC radar and L2 (MCS dynamics, budgets). 2 3 1 terrain 4

ELLJ mission 20 June 2002 2 3 1 terrain 4

ELLJ mission 20 June 2002 2 3 1 terrain 4

0329 UTC LEANDRE 2 Temporal evolution 0408 UTC 0555 UTC


LEANDRE 2 Dropsonde WV profiles south of the MCS

WV profiles close the MCS LEANDRE 2 Dropsonde WV profiles close the MCS

BLE- related activities 14 and 21 June 2002

BLE-related activities Objectives: Analyze water vapor variability evolution with time, in connection with the entrainment process, Investigate relationships between water vapor distribution dynamical structures in the ABL (rolls, cells), Provide some sort of validation for LES and high- Resolution “real case” simulations, Means/instruments: Large Eddy Simulations Idealized 3-D simulations Real case simulations IHOP data (including S-POL, ELDORA, DIALs) MANDOP-type 3DVAR analyses 2 3 1 terrain 4

BLE mission 14 June 2002 2 3 1 terrain 4

BLE mission 14 June 2002 LEANDRE 2: sideway pointing in the ABL Blind zone

BLE mission 14 June 2002 Also see Fleur’s Poster!! Present the existing diagnostic tools for water vapor variability analyses using the mesoscale model Meso-NH Verify wether Meso-NH can simulate the observed water vapor variability, Use the diagnostic tools to identify the origin of water vapor variability.

BLH- related activities 29 June 2002

BLH-related activities Objectives: Analyze east-west water vapor variability, in connection with the entrainment process and soil moisture, Analyze the impact of small scale water vapor variability on GPS IWV retrievals Means/instruments: Real case simulations IHOP data (including S-POL, ELDORA, DIALs, GPS) MANDOP-type 3DVAR analyses 2 3 1 terrain Also see Jerome’s Poster!! 4

CI- related activities 10, 12, 15 and 19 June 2002

CI-related activities Objectives: better understand CI in connection with ABL processes, surface heterogeneity, dryline morphology and breeze-like circulations, analyze the role of « lateral entrainment » process, explore the role of moisture “pockets” resulting from Cu dissipation on CI, assess whether dry air intrusion mechanisms inhibit CI as they do in the Tropics analyze the transition between shallow and deep convection and the role of the moisture field above the ABL Means: Large Eddy Simulations Idealized 3-D simulations (front, triple point) Real case simulations IHOP data (L2, AERI, MAPR, RDS, FM-CW, S-POL)

CI mission 19 June 2002 2 3 1 terrain 4

CI mission 19 June 2002 P-3 flying at 1500 m LEANDRE 2: sideway Blind zone LEANDRE 2: sideway pointing in the ABL through a « dry-line »

Intercomparison exercise 8 June 2002

CI-related activities Activities conducted in the framework of the ESA project coordinated by V. Wulfmeyer Objective: Intercomparison of DLR, NASA and CNRS DIAL measurements I would like to propose that we do not just compare profiles and performance, but have the different groups PROCESS the data from other groups (there is a lot to learn in this process). Assessement of the algorithms performances, not just instruments performances