Belgian Federal Public Service for ICT Strategic cell The Belgian Electronic Identity Card: a step forward in the information society Christine Mahieu Belgian Federal Public Service for ICT Strategic cell
AGENDA Belgian E-Government approach The role of Fedict eGov foundations The electronic identity card Conclusions
E-GOVERNMENT APPROACH IS NOT: about government HOWEVER: it is about government’s customers: citizens, businesses & civil servants ICT takes only 2O% of the entire project 80% = BPR (reengineering processes, adapting procedures, regulations, legislation, structures..)
E-GOVERNMENT APPROACH IS NOT: the electronic version of existing documents, procedures, services HOWEVER: it is a fundamentally new, integrated and continuous way of delivering services using all the possibilities of ICT. So …. it’s about integrating the back-office first
En hoe gaat het eraan toe?
Belgium is a Federal State E-GOVERNMENT: BELGIAN APPROACH Belgium is a Federal State Competencies are divided across many authorities (federal, regions, communities) 7 central administrative civil services on a same sovereignty level but with different accents Federal government has little direct interaction with the citizens E-government gives the opportunity to realise one virtual electronic government with full respect for every specific competency Clients are not interested in who’s competent. They expect a full and satisfying result for there problems, if necessary through different levels of government. Exempel: Scholarship
Unique collection of data - Authentic sources KEY PRINCIPLES Transparency Customers are not interested in the different administrations and/or authorities involved. Unique collection of data - Authentic sources Not asking twice Exchange of data between administrations Simplification Administrative formalities are limited to the strict minimum.
AGENDA Belgian E-Government approach The role of Fedict eGov foundations The electronic identity card Conclusions
ROLE OF FEDICT IN E-GOVERNMENT FEDICT= Federal Public Service (Ministry) for ICT Concept of the virtual matrix in the federal administration Federal Public Service (Ministry) for ICT Defines a common eGov strategy Makes sure of consistency and homogeneity of the policy Assists the other services for implementation Develops noms, standards and base architecture Develops basis egov projects Manages relationships with other levels of authority Service delivery is the primary responsability of the management of each federal public service ICT co-ordination group under the presidency of FEDICT and representing all federal departments
AGENDA Belgian E-Government approach The role of Fedict eGov foundations The electronic identity card Conclusions
E-GOVERNMENT FOUNDATION is service delivering Simplification Rethink from users needs Collaboration between authorities Technical building blocks Integration back office Information, transactions Herdenken van dienstverlening op basis van de noden van de gebruikers Noodzakelijke bouwstenen: Vereenvoudiging Samenwerking tussen alle administraties en alle niveaus van de overheid Gemeenschappelijke technische bouwstenen (unieke identificatie sleutels, beveiligd hoge snelheids netwerk, UME, portaal, elektronische ID-kaart en PKI Toepassingen
ENABLING THE INTEGRATION OF BACK OFFICE PROCESSES Enable data re-use Unique identification number of each citizen Unique identification number of a business or other organization Universal Messaging Engine (UME) for Exchanging structured messages between portals,Web sites and back end systems (based on XML) Data already available in some administrations will no longer be requested to the user (e.g. attestation of payment to Social Security, to VAT)
E-GOVERNMENT FOR EVERYONE This approach is much more than using the internet as a channel to Government services A digital divide is only possible in the front office Electronic services are (for the time being) considered as extra services, traditional services remain. The cost for the customer of the electronic service must be the same as for the traditional service. Other communication channels (kiosks, public PC’s with internet connection)
AGENDA Belgian E-Government approach The role of Fedict eGov foundations The electronic identity card Conclusions
Identity card is mandatory for each Belgian citizen BACKGROUND Identity card is mandatory for each Belgian citizen Existence of a National register of physical persons for about 20 years Unique identification number
Electronic signature (9 July 2001) LEGAL FRAMEWORK Electronic signature (9 July 2001) Implementation of the European Directive 1999/93/EC Law on National Register and identity cards Voted in March 2003 Simplification of the procedure to gain access to the information data from the National Register and to use the identification number Introduction electronic identity card
OBJECTIVES Proof of identity To give Belgian citizens an electronic identity card enabling them to authenticate themselves towards diverse applications and to put digital signatures Signature tool
Visual identification of the holder WHICH INFORMATION ? From a visual point of view the same information will be visible as on the current identity card : the name the first two Christian names the first letter of the third Christian name the nationality the birth place and date the sex the address the place of delivery of the card the begin and end data of the validity of the card the denomination and number of the card the photo of the holder the signature of the holder the identification number of the National Register Identical functionality to current identity card Visual identification of the holder
Electronic identification of the holder WHICH INFORMATION ? From an electronic point of view the chip will contain the same information as printed on the card, filled up with: the identity and signature keys the identity and signature certificates the accredited certification service furnisher Information necesarry for authentication of the card and securization of the electronic data the main residence of the holder (Temporary) no encryption certificates No electronic purse No biometric data Conformity with European Directive 1999/93/EC Electronic identification of the holder
DISTRIBUTION OF THE CARD (5) (11) (13) (10a2) VRK VRK CM/CP/CI (4) (8) (6) ECA National Register (9) (10a1) ECA (3) (7) Bull Bull Municipality (10b) (1) De The municipalities Meikäläinen Matti PIN & PUK1 - code Face to face identification (2) (12)
CARD SPECIFICATIONS Standard - ISO/IEC 7816 Format & Physical Characteristics Bank Card (ID1) Standard Contacts & Signals RST,GND,CLK,Vpp,Vcc, I/O Standard Commands & Query Language (APDU) etc.
CERTIFICATE SPECIFICATIONS Citizen’s certificates & keys Authentication Certificate & key pair (1024 bits) provide strong authentication (access control) web site authentication single sign-on (login) etc. Signature Certificate & key pair (1024 bits) provide non repudiation (electronic signature equivalent to handwritten signature) Document Signing Form Signing The government is becoming a Certificate Service Provider Belgium Root CA Citizen CA Citizen CA Auth Sign
VISUAL CHARACTERISTICS Rainbow Printing and Guilloche Alphagram Digital chip Microletters Optical Variable Ink Changeable Laser Image
THE PROJECT Two parallel projects Involvement Fedict Infrastructure central : National Register (Ministry of Interior) decentral : cities and municipalities Electronic identity card production, personalization, initialization and distribution of electronic identity card Delivery of certification services Involvement Fedict Project reporting CA part To coordinate and elaborate applications using the card Control consistency with the federal portal environment
PLANNING 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2002 2003 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ... 1 2 KICK OFF 3 4 GO/NO GO 1 : development, testing infrastructure : analyse, testing, card production : analyse, testing certification services : start pilot 11 municipalities (on a total of 589) 2 3 4 (*) This planning is an estimation of the timing. This timing is based on a series of legal and regulatory decisions of which the realization falls out of the competences of the authors.
BENEFITS FOR THE CITIZEN Life easier Electronic access to public services, 24/24, 7/7 Potential use for any other application/service Secured and protected access to own data Controlled use of the card and national number Active role The citizen will be able to access his/her own data and the status of his/her file No one is forced to use the electronic services Activation of the certificates is not mandatory
A CARD… AND THEN ? On the short term : e-Government Examples : Tax declaration Vehicle registration (DIV) On the long term : extra possibilities such as eCommerce financial sector (banks) health sector (SIS) transport (tickets, parking, …) e-security (SSO, login, …) ... Ultimate aim: the identity card is the only card in the wallet of the Belgian citizens.
AGENDA Belgian E-Government approach The role of Fedict eGov foundations The electronic identity card Conclusions
A STEP FORWARD IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY The government has a role to play in the information society Enabler Example Create a favorable climate The electronic identity card is a crucial step in the adoption of eServices