Build your Independence


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Presentation transcript:

Build your Independence Turn Your Life Around Program Summary, August 2015

Introduction Zahra Foundation Australia - A place where new beginnings come to life. Mission To provide assistance to South Australian women and children experiencing domestic and family violence by supporting their immediate needs, as well as building their capacity to attain economic independence. Vision To instil HOPE and optimism in the lives of women and their children To provide women and their children with a range of financial and educational OPPORTUNITIES To build meaningful relationships and PARTNERSHIPS with the business and community sector To deliver program and opportunities that promote women’s economic EMPOWERMENT

A place where new beginnings come to life A place where new beginnings come to life. The Foundation will strengthen the life of both women and children in our community by creating opportunities post crisis toward financial and emotional independence. -- Program Summary Financial abuse is a common tactic used to control and isolate their partners. It can have far-reaching and devastating consequences. ‘Building your Independance Workshop Series’ a 6 week program designed to help women navigate the complex challenges they will encounter was commissioned by Central Domestic Violence Service Inc. Offering a range of information from basic money and financial management to advanced financial planning. It explored the possible choices and identified community resources to help domestic violence survivors build financial independent lives. The focus of the program is on women because women represent the majority of domestic violence victims.

The program was developed to help provide survivors with: Resources to strengthen survivor confidence in order to take action Strategies to address the financial and safety challenges of ending a relationship with a abuser Resources for working through the quality of life changes survivors encounter when fleeing abuse Strategies to work through challenges after an abuser’s misuse of the survivor’s personal records Tactics to understand financial fundamentals and basic steps to building a strong financial base, including budgeting, saving, building credit and managing debt Trained facilitator, community based organisations, culturally specific services and financial institutions were available to provide industry specific information. Limitations of Program Not everyone has the same ideals or measurement criteria. This curriculum cannot reflect all beliefs, but it attempts to address a range of value systems. Content is intended to serve as a general guide of financial principles and strategies. It was not intended to address individual financial and safety issues. Where individual issues have been identified professional support from case management workers is available during delivery of the program. Sponsored by host Central Domestic Violence Service Inc.

Program Schedule Module 1 Taking the first step – Surviving financial abuse Module 2 Back to basics – Learning financial basics Module 3 Money Management – Mastering Credit Basics Module 4 Saving and Investing Guest Speaker: Your Secure Future Module 5 Avoiding financial rip offs/Understanding your credit Guest Speaker: Legal Services Commission Time 11am - 1pm (Break 12noon) Term 6 Week Program (5 week group training plus 1 week mentoring) Method Small Group Training - One on One Advice - Online Training

Program Evaluation The pilot program was attended by five women from the North West of Adelaide. The program was delivered at a Central Domestic Violence Service Inc approved location. Of the five week program four women attended completing 100% of the content. To help shape the future of the program and better our service delivery to Australian women a short survey was conducted to capture the quality of the participant experience. Q1. Please indicate all of the services types you received through the program: Response No One on One advice 3 Virtual/Online Training 2 Small Group Training 4 Access to Financial Counselling Networks 3

Response No Q2. Were the service types beneficial? Yes/No/Unsure 4 Q3. Did the program meet your expectations? Yes/No/Unsure 4 Q4. Please give some examples of the learnings you will implement in your life now: Saving better Information about credit rating Staying away from financial rip offs Managing a budget Importance of saving I now have got money in a savings account and have back up emergency account for hard times I got this knowledge and I will use it in my daily life

Program Evaluation Q5. Please indicate which learning module you found the most useful and least useful: Response No Module 1 Taking the first step – Surviving financial abuse - Module 2 Back to basics – Learning financial basics 2 Module 3 Money Management – Mastering Credit Basics 2 Module 4 Saving and Investing 1 Module 5 Avoiding financial rip offs/Understanding your credit 1 All of the above 2

Q6. On scale of 1-10 rate your knowledge of financial management before the program and after the program (One representing LOW and 10 representing HIGH) Q7. Do you feel with the new knowledge gained you can now better manage your financial situation? Response No Yes/No/Unsure 4 Q8. Was the time of the program suitable? Q9. Was the content relevant for you?

Infographic Source: Q10. Did you find direct access to specialist service providers helpful? Response No Yes/No/Unsure 3 Unsure 1 Q11. Will you use the financial resource links provided in the future? Yes/No/Unsure 4 Q12. Would you benefit from further education and support? Yes/No/Unsure 2 No 2 If Yes, what course/subjects: Financial counselling How to save and spend more wisely Share Trading Infographic Source:

Q13. Please rate your experience with your Facilitator: (One representing LOW and 10 representing HIGH) Not Satisfied Neither Completely Satisfied Approachability Professionalism Preparation Knowledge relevant to subject Q14. Plate rate the likelihood of recommending the program: Would not recommend Unsure Yes definately! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Reviewing Expenses and Financial Responsibilities Q15. Do you have any comments you wish to make about the program or the services received? Thank you very much for helping me become more confident when it come to my financial situation Access to Divorce Lawyers re: Settlement and financially leaving relationship Thank you for your services, Im proud to walk away with things to look out for when it comes to money..Thank You! Reviewing Expenses and Financial Responsibilities Rating 5-4 I feel pretty comfortable that my resources support my children and me Rating 3 I ‘m not sure if my current resources will support my children and me Rating 2-1 I need additional assistance to support my children and me No of Responses Income Housing Savings

Acknowledgements Host Organisation Business Support Thank you to the following South Australian business and organisations for your contribution and service support: Host Organisation Business Support Superannuation and Investments Legal Training and Development Accounting