6-28 February 2017 Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) 2017 – final call for feedback Quality Assurance & Statistical Services Office National College of Ireland
ISSE 2017 – your chance to feedback 17% NCI is participating in ISSE 2017 from February 6th to 28th, 2017 first year undergraduate, final year undergraduate and postgraduate taught students receive an invitation directly to their ncirl.ie email account when the survey opens – up to two reminders are sent students can also access it via www.studentsurvey.ie (click on ‘take the survey’) or https://survey.euro.confirmit.com/wix/1/p1855448151.aspx last year’s responses from NCI students highlighted: levels of student participation inside and outside of the classroom learner interaction with and support from staff feedback regarding teaching delivery and assessments undertaken as a thank you for student participation, NCI and NCISU are offering a pair of tickets to the Clubs & Societies Awards Ball on April 6th, 2017, to one participant in the survey, as well as printer vouchers worth €10 each to twenty other students who take part NCI’s response rate (as of 17.2.17) 491 NCI students have already given their feedback last year’s NCI report is available at http://bit.ly/2lhsQie further details can also be found at https://qanci.wordpr ess.com/
National Survey, Local Impact more information regarding ISSE 2017 is available on the NCI blog posts at http://blog.ncirl.ie/irish-survey-of-student-engagement-were-listening-were-learning and http://blog.ncirl.ie/irish-survey-of-student-engagement-national-survey-local-impact
The Irish National Survey of Student Engagement is funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA). It is co- sponsored by the HEA, institutions’ representative bodies including Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) and the Irish Universities Association (IUA), and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).