Metamorphic Rocks
14.10 Metamorphic Rock Formation Def: older rock changes form into another type of rock by heat/pressure Met Rock Animation Rock Animations - Review
14.11 Met Rock Textures Foliated~ parallel banding/visible layers Non-foliated ~ mostly one mineral, larger interlocked crystals
Metamorphism Types Contact: magma causes rock to undergo temperature change
Metamorphism Types Regional- large areas of Earth mountain building directed pressure Example: Himalayas
14.12 Parent Rock Older rock that undergoes metamorphic change Parent rock can be ign. or sed. rx Parent: Granite Met Rock: Gneiss
Recrystalization of Quartz Sandstone Quartzite Recrystalization of Quartz
Shale Slate Cleaves in sheets
Bituminous Coal Anthracite Coal
Limestone Marble
Banded Iron Formation (BIF) Jaspilite