MINDBODY - Express Convenience at your fingertips Terrance Reaves
Goal/Description * Goal: To give employers the ability to run and keep up with their business and employees easily/conveniently, and keep organization and structure in their priorities and responsibilities. * Description: The MINDYBODY app is a software that lets employees and employers view, update, and adjust their schedules conveniently fast and with ease, and even receive reminders of those updates/adjustments and events that have been scheduled. And all of this can be accessed through the app no matter where you are, whether that’s in the office, at home, or on the go.
Purpose Purpose of the App: The purpose of this feature is for employers is to keep their employees up to date and organized. Also giving them the accessibility to make their own changes as well as adjust/adapt to changes made to their schedules.
Use/Value Use: A scheduling feature for employees/employers to schedule and/or update appointments/events, as well as receive convenient reminders of anything coming up that you need to be aware of. Value: This product’s value is based of its convenient access, the ability of being able to adjust your schedule from your own home or even out on the go. MINDBODY Express allows users to adapt to business situations with ease and stress free.
Where to Buy/Cost Purchase at: https://www.mindbodyonline.com/marketplace/mindbody-express Costing can range due to the level of software you feel as though you need in order to successfully and comfortably run your business. The levels of software include: Solo $45/Month - For independent practictioners with no staff — start with the essentials. Grow $65/Month - Manage a small team and schedule everyone's day. Pro $95/Month - Proactively manage your business, simplify tasks, offer more services, and analyze results. (Most Popular) Accelerate $165/Month - Easily boost revenue and win back customers with automated marketing tools. (Recommended) Ultimate $245/Month - Wow your clients with a custom app, powerful marketing tools, and access to on-demand business courses.
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