Urgent Care Update 5th January 2017
Key Milestones Procurement Implementation Assurance Expanded and enhanced primary care MIU and GP Out of Hours Implementation Process and timescales Assurance Task group NHSE assurance process Communications and Engagement
Phase 1-key milestones completed Clarity on current services Posters and leaflets Are you sick of waiting? Did you know? Same day GP access Focus on self care Focus on under 5 child app Promoting pharmacy Your Local NHS services made easy leaflet Developed with help of PRG All practices and community spaces Social media self care messaging and visiting your pharmacy Breastfeeding benefits Northern Echo CCO Column
Phase 2-key milestones on track Focus on the pocket guide- Your local health services Developed through the PRG 12 sided pocket guide Sticky dot credit card -put in your wallet or purse Focus on self care, NHS 111, more appointments for longer (map) and MIUs at Bishop Auckland and Peterlee Timescales Signed off by PRG Signed off by T&F Group With designers - first draft mid January Print by end of February March -door drop every household Radio campaign Met with Global Radio Capital and Heart Script developed January Recording January Aired between Feb and May Engagement Plan in place Re visiting engagement from consultation January to April Front cover and credit card pop out. NHS 111 on reverse
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