Flavor Violating Higgs Decays in Supersymmetry with and without R parity --- Talk at SUSY 06 OTTO C. W. KONG --- Nat'l Central U, Taiwan
Higgs – the god particle :- major target of colliders (present of future) the SM Higgs other extended Higgs models susy ( MSSM / GSSM ) Higgs states
Flavor Violation :- FCNC --- important and constraining SM --- no tree-level one Higgs VEV for all masses beyond SM extended Higgs sector ---- ? (tree-level) Higgs mediated FCNC ? other sources of FV What about Higgs phenomenology ?
MSSM Vs generic 2HDM :- (pseudo-) NFC for MSSM squark FV loop also charged current loop (with squarks) --- CKM induced effect (non-negotiable) especially chargino-stop loop
Flavor Violating Higgs Decays :- can that be substantial ? phenomenologically --- first to satisfy expt. FCNC constraints e.g. some interesting works done --- to be studied carefully
MSSM Higgs Sector :- parameterized by and 1-loop correction important
Higgs Decay Basics :-
Higgs Couplings :- Djouadi hep-ph/0503173
Illustrative B.R. Result :-
partial width :-
from LL- or RR- mixings
from RL- mixings
The MSSM Case :- large squark FV --- gluino loop small squark FV --- chargino loop non-negotiable CKM part good B.R. up to 0.001 large , A , and interesting even for flavor blind susy breaking
RPV Case --- especially interesting FV Higgs couplings --- at tree-level like multi-Higgs bilinear-trilinear combination focus of our group FV decay width --- good sensitive also leptonic case (great for expt.)
RPV Results (preliminary) :-