HEP 2002: Summary and Prospect Philosophy joke. HEP 2002: Summary and Prospect File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML Frank Wilczek, MIT. The Glory of Precision. Perturbative ... Frank Wilczek, MIT. Conclusion. Brilliant Work by Many People has Resulted in an ... www.ichep02.nl/Transparencies/PL-Wed/PL-Wed-2-3.Wilczek.ppt Powerpoint Lectures by Nobel Laureates at Supercourse www.pitt.edu/~super1 Source: http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/Science/nobelprizelaureatesbyyear.htm Date: April 20, 2010 Author: Eric Marler M.D. http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/Science/main.htm#WHO 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
The Standard Model (1) QCD Triumph of Quantum Field Theory Expanding Frontiers Matter in Extreme Conditions Explanatory (Quantitative) Power RHIIC program; phase diagram More and more processes 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Prevalence of loops. LGT focusing 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
The Standard Model (2) Electroweak Triumph of Quantum Field Theory Flavor Sector / CP Violation More to Come … The Standard Model Is Self-Transcending! More to come = Higgs particle, CKM precision 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Unification and Supersymmetry (1) Quantum Numbers Couplings! Scale Neutrino Masses Gravity (nearly) Not (yet?) Proton Decay (nor others …) Unification and SUSY go together: couplings, proton decay 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT Abstract rules Spinor suggestive of space-time connections or substructure 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Gravity here: classical running; meets a little beyond - calculation safe 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Unification and Supersymmetry (2) Electroweak Indications Radiative Stability of Weak Scale Lightness of Higgs Mass Small Radiative Corrections They go together, powerful case Here susy = low energy susy 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Unification and Supersymmetry (3) Significance Dark Matter, Perhaps Opening New Windows Deep Issues in Breaking Sources for Flavor and CP Violation 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
The Higgs Particle (1) Limit from Radiative Corrections Significance of the Limit Theory Experiment 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
The Higgs Particle (2) Issues Arising Gluon Distributions (To Check Basic Coupling -- Beautiful QFT!) Diffractive Production Hera progress on measuring diffraction with parton interpretation 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Flavor: Mass, Mixing, CP (1) Consolidation of the CKM Picture / B Physics / Unitarity Triangle Neutrino Masses and Mixings Atmospheric Solar Future Experiments 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Flavor: Mass, Mixing, CP (2) What Does It All Mean? Lots of Things Don’t Happen! Patterns!? Family Repetition Mass Hierarchy (?) Mixing Hierarchy for Quarks, but Not Neutrinos Big Phases 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Flavor: Mass, Mixing, CP (3) Hints of Deeper Connections m Scale mb/m mt! Unification Textures? LMA Presents a Challenge Lopsided Mass Matrices Not-Quite Maximal Mixing for Solar 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Flavor: Mass, Mixing, CP (4) Mechanisms? (Small) Extra Dimensions? Cosmology? Anthropics? More to Come L Violations B Violation Electric Dipole Moments 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Cosmic Connections (1) Dark Matter Dark Energy LSP? Axion? Why is it Small? Why is it Taking Over the Universe? 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Cosmic Connections (2) Cosmic Rays Gravity Waves GZK !? Strangelets? (Strange Stars??) Gravity Waves Cosmological (Inflation) Extreme Collisions (Quark Matter?) 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
An Ultralight Sector? (1) Axions Strong CP Problem Dark Matter Dilatons, Familons, Modulons 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
An Ultralight Sector? (2) Anthropic Principle With Inflation, a New Status Anthropics can be Unavoidable! Candidates for Anthropics “Second” Problem - Vadron? mu-md? Mis-Anthropics 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
An Ultralight Sector? (3) Experiments! Search for Axions Forces, Scalar and Pseudoscalar Variation of Constants? 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
The Glory of Precision Perturbative Non-Perturbative Electroweak QCD 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT
Conclusion Brilliant Work by Many People has Resulted in an Extraordinarily Profound, Precise Description of the Physical World Because of This We Can Both Ask, and Formulate Plans to Answer, Some Truly Awesome Questions 11/25/2018 Frank Wilczek, MIT