Learning objective – to be able to explain the change in the relationship between America and the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. I can describe the change.


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Presentation transcript:

How did the relationship change between Reagan and Gorbachev between 1985 and 1989?

Learning objective – to be able to explain the change in the relationship between America and the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. I can describe the change in the relationship between America and the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. Grade D I can explain the change in the relationship between America and the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. Grade B I can evaluate the change in the relationship between America and the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. Grade A

Starter This word cloud is in the shape of Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan shaking hands. During the presentation, list the words you can spot in the word cloud and explain why it relates to this lesson.

What were the positions of the superpowers in 1985? USA USSR Strengths Booming economy Excellent computer technology Excellent space technology Highly equipped conventional military forces NATO allies Warsaw Pact allies Greater number of nuclear missiles compared with USA Weaknesses Fewer nuclear missiles than USSR Committed to an expensive war in Afghanistan Failing economy Outdated technology Reputation ruined by the Chernobyl explosion

The Geneva Summit - 1985 Why? Reagan wanted to persuade Gorbachev of his desire for peace between the superpowers. Gorbachev wanted the USA to drop their plans for SDI. However, Gorbachev appointed Shevardnadze as Foreign Minister marking the end of an aggressive foreign policy and aiming to find a working relationship with the USA. What? Both sides wanted to discuss nuclear weapons. No formal agreement on arms control was made at Geneva. This was mainly due to Reagan’s unwillingness to drop SDI. The Geneva Accord was agreed, which was an informal agreement to speed up talks on arms reductions. Significant? First time that the leaders of the two superpowers had face to face talks since SALT II in 1979.

The Reykjavik Summit - 1986 Why? To build on the progress made at the Geneva Summit and the accord that was agreed there. What? Gorbachev proposed Zero Option which meant both sides would withdraw missiles from Europe. Regan proposed scrapping all ballistic missiles. No agreement was made because Reagan again refused to scrap SDI. Significant? Although no progress had been made an agreement seemed close.

Why did Reagan change his position about the Soviet Union? Public opinion – It was clear by 1984, public opinion was against another arms race and there was a danger that the USA could be seen as a brutal bully. Also there were widespread protests in Western Europe about USA siting missiles there. Gorbymania – Gorbachev proved to be a popular leader because of his reforms. He was the first Soviet leader to gain widespread approval from the West. Personal Relations – Both Reagan and Gorbachev got on well – as did their wives.

The Intermediate Nuclear Forces [INF] Treaty - 1986 Why? The Geneva and Reykjavik Summits promised an agreement was close. Improving relations between Reagan and Gorbachev led to a third meeting in Washington in December 1987. What? The INF Treaty eliminated nuclear and conventional ground-launched missiles with a range of between 300 and 3400 miles. This would be in accordance with a strict code to ensure this happened. Up to 1991, a total of 2642 nuclear were scrapped – the majority from the Soviet Union. Both sides were allowed to inspect each other’s military installations. Significant? The first agreement which reduced nuclear missile stocks. This was seen as a significant breakthrough in the arms race.

Why did Gorbachev change his mind and sign an agreement without the USA getting rid of SDI? Expensive – Gorbachev came to the conclusion that nuclear weapons were too expensive and added nothing to their security. Threat of USA – Gorbachev was persuaded by Reagan that the USA would not invade the Soviet Union. Economy – Glasnost and Perestroika could not happen if the Soviet Union continued its arms commitments. The economy could not cope with the arms race. Popularity – Gorbachev felt he would win popularity from the West in attempting to disarm which would open the way to profitable trade deals.

How was the success of the INF Treaty followed up? Reagan visits Moscow – In 1988, Reagan visits Moscow. Although nothing is agreed it relieves the tensions over Afghanistan and paves the way for future agreements. Malta Summit, 1989 – The new US President, George Bush, and Gorbachev meet to set up future agreements – CFE and START agreements. Conventional Armed Forces in Europe [CFE] Treaty – 1990 – NATO and Warsaw Pact countries agreed to set limits to forces they could have in Europe, such as tanks and missiles. START I 1991 – This agreement set the limits to the amount of nuclear weapons each side could have. This reduced nuclear stocks by around a third

Degree of success for Gorbachev Degree of success for Reagan Task Complete the table below using the presentation and your text book. Summit Gorbachev’s aims Degree of success for Gorbachev Reagan’s aims Degree of success for Reagan Geneva Reykjavik Washington

Extension Task Using your completed scale, answer the following exam style questions – Describe the key features of INF Treaty. Outline two reasons why Reagan changed his approach towards the Soviet Union between 1984 and 1987.

Plenary This word cloud is in the shape of Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan shaking hands. Which word is the most significant in the word cloud? Explain your answer.