Chapter 8 Section 1 Growth Of Royal Power in England and France Section 2: The Holy Roman Empire and the Church Section 3: Europeans Look Outward Section 4:Learning, Literature, and the Arts Section 5: Time of Crisis
Chapter 8 Section 1 Growth Of Royal Power in England and France In England and France, monarchs expanded royal authority and laid the foundations for united nation-states. (Countries!)
Feudalism Feudal monarchs in Europe stood at the head of society, but had limited power. So they take steps to gain power…
BATTLE OF HASTINGS Christmas Day 1066- William of Normandy assumes the crown of England
Growth Of Royal Power 1086- Domesday Book (census) Listed every castle, field, and pigpen in England. Helped control and collect taxes. William’s successors continued to raise royal authority.
Henry II Common Law- 1154- Applied laws to all of England- not just church or feudal kingdoms. Jury- “Sworn on Oath” Group of men sworn to speak truth.
Magna Carta Gave nobles certain rights that eventually extended to all citizens Made it clear that the monarch must obey the law Due process of law Habeus corpus- no person can be held in prison w/o first being charged w/ a crime.
Charter Merchants who set up a new town asked the local lord, or the king himself, for a charter A charter is a written document that set out the rights and privileges of the town.
Portfolio Assignment- 10 POINTS Title of your charter Preamble 5-7 Rules x._______________