SSWH20 Demonstrate an understanding of the global social, economic, and political impact of the Cold War and decolonization from 1945 to 1989.
a. Explain the arms race, include: development of nuclear weapons, and efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapons. hydrogen bomb (1954) and SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 1972).
Hydrogen bomb (1954)- thermonuclear weapon much more powerful than the Atomic bomb. SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 1972)- Agreement by the US and the U.S.S.R to restrain nuclear weapons.
M.A.D- “mutually assured destruction,” each side could completely destroy the other. many times over.
b. Describe the formation of the state of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
state of Israel- A Jewish nation in the Middle East that was founded in 1948.
the Arab-Israeli Conflict Both parties have religious claims to Israel