Chapter 26 Section 1 Postwar America Riddlebarger The Eisenhower Era Chapter 26 Section 1 Postwar America Riddlebarger
The Election of 1952 Stevenson (D) vs. Eisenhower (R) 22nd Amendment passed in 1951 Truman decision Stevenson (D) vs. Eisenhower (R) “Ike” critical of war effort American perception of Ike
Eisenhower/Nixon Elected
Eisenhower’s Cold War policies Ike & Korea. John Foster Dulles Change in foreign policy
Brinksmanship Build more nuclear weapons Brinksmanship policy rationale Brinksmanship policy Massive Retaliation MAD
Arms Race stockpile & experiment with new weapons Hydrogen Bomb– Impact of Soviets getting H-bomb ICBM’s (missiles)
Space Race Begins Soviets launch first artificial satellite- Sputnik Concern in America that Soviets are passing us by. Education impact We establish NASA
The Warsaw Pact forms 1955: Soviets establish Warsaw Pact Soviet dominated E. Europe. Collective security Soviet actions NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
Central Intelligence Agency Formed in 1947 Purpose? Increasingly active in 1950’s. Covert Guatemala and Iran.
Television Age Television popularity grows after WW2 5 million sets in homes in USA between 1945-50. By 1959, 40 million homes have at least one. Impact upon politics, advertising, children, culture.
Post-war growth of suburbs in America Interstate Highway System New Communities Post-war growth of suburbs in America Why? (P. 866-67) Who? U.S. population shifts Interstate Highway System Eisenhower administration starts it in 1956.