Haz Mat Incident Considerations Chapter 16 Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials
Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials Session Objectives Understand the roles and responsibilities of of the Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials
Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials
Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials Check-in and obtain briefing from the Incident Safety Officer Obtain briefing from the HMGS Participate in the preparation of, and implement the Site Safety Plan
Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials Advise the HMGS of deviations from the Site Safety Plan or any dangerous situations Has full authority to alter, suspend, or terminate any activity Ensure the protection of the Haz Mat Group personnel
Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials Ensure the provision of required emergency medical services for assigned personnel and coordinate with Medical Unit Leader. Ensure that medical related records for the Hazardous Materials Group personnel are maintained. Maintain Unit Log
Assistant Safety Officer - Hazardous Materials Group exercise Assignment: 1. Prepare a site safety plan