Population graph::: Link to live chart; http://www. worldometers
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND There are Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. Most South Africans (over 99%) speak one of these languages as a first language.
Religions Zion Christian (11.1%) Pentecostal/Charismatic (8.2%) Catholic (7.1%) Methodist (6.8%) Dutch Reformed (6.7%) Anglican (3.8%) Other Christian (36%) Islam (1.5%) Hinduism (1.2%) Native beliefs (0.3%) Judaism (0.2%) Other religion (0.6%) Irreligious (15.1%) Unspecified (1.4%)
A typical traditional marriage attire
POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT 3rd strongest military force in Africa
Military expenditure from 1988-2016
Women in power e.g. Nkosazana Dlamini ZUMA
Corruption rate
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT South Africa as a member of the WTO, IMF and a signatory to many bilateral and international trade agreements has continued to pursue and practice liberal economic policies. The leaders believe that its progressive tax policy of taxing the rich more than the poor will address the widening inequality rate in the country. In 1990, the country adopted the GEAR (Growth, Employment and Redistribution) economic policy.
Large deposits of gold, coal, iron ore, manganese, tin, diamonds, natural gas, limestone, copper amongst others exists in South Africa. Industries on gold mining, platinum, fertilizers also exist. Due to the favorable climate, cash crops such as maize, cotton, peanuts, wheat, Sugar cane and fruits are sources of foreign exchange. The economy is the most industrialized economy in Africa.
The GDP of South Africa is currently valued at 294. 84 billon USD The GDP of South Africa is currently valued at 294.84 billon USD. This represents 0.48% of the world economy. When compared to the GDP output from other BRICS countries, such as Russia’s 1,283 trillion USD (2.07% of world’s GDP), India at 2,263 trillion USD (3.65%), China at 11,199 trillion USD (18.06) and Brazil at 1,796 trillion (2.90%), then South African economy is the least developed economy among BRICS countries (World Bank. South Africa can capitalize on the trading agreements amongst this group however none of them is among her top 5 biggest trading partners. The economy bounced backed from the 1991-2 and 2005 recessions with a GDP of 257,77 billion USD in 2005.
The GDP reached an all-time high of 416 The GDP reached an all-time high of 416.42 billion USD in 2011 and has been on a consecutive decline for 7 years now as seen in the graph below
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT The health sector in South Africa has received government attention in recent times. Life expectancy is 57 years in South Africa which is proportional to the HDI rating. Public health expenditure is at 4.2% of GDP. Adult mortality rate per 1000 people is high at 464 while infant mortality under 5 years per 1000 is 41.
The social grants for the aged, disabled children, access to qualitative education, good water, constant electricity and other social services have helped to reduce absolute poverty since 1994. These trends are as a result of income and social inequality. South Africa is among the most unequal countries in terms of income distribution and social inclusion.
CONCLUSION South Africa lags behind amongst the BRICS states and needs to purge itself of bad governance at home if it must make the list of global top economies. Corruption, poverty, inequality and unemployment are hindrances to her emergence as a global player. No country can develop in the midst of xenophobic attack on foreigners, crime is a major constraint on investment and growth. The government should consider the Black communities where, inequality, crime, unemployment and other social vices reigns supreme. Until these factors are considered and properly addressed, South Africa will not emerge as a global player in the comity of states.