OBJECTIVES Students will be able to identify the steps to the order of operations Students will be able to follow the steps correctly to simplify/solve an expression Students will learn the history of the order of operations and why we use it and who uses it Students will identify different sites and games to use to improve their knowledge of using the order of operations
INTRODUCTION You ever wondered what might happen if you tried to eat a cake before you baked it, or drive a car before turning it on or even what might happen if you went straight to the 12 th grade without passing the first 11? All these are things that need to be done in a specific order before they can be completed. This is the same way you have to simplify a specific expression in Math using The order of operations.
HISTORY A long time ago, people just decided on an order in which operations should be performed. It has nothing to do with magic or logic. Some people decided to adopt a way, and it has stuck ever since. It just makes communication a lot easier. Another way of saying this is that rather than being inherent in the structure of mathematics, the concept of "order of operations" is a matter of mathematical notation. Order of operations refers to which operations should be performed in what order, but it's just convention. The notation tells you which operations to do first, not something about the underlying mathematics.
WHY IMPORTANT Studying the order of operations and the laws governing the use of operations will permit us to apply them to solve problems and get correct data. If we do not master operations and the rules for their application, we can't work problems in a clear and consistent manner to arrive at the right answers.
WHAT CAREERS USE THE ORDER OF OPERATIONS Computer programmers Math text writers Software developers/writers Game developers
HOW TO USE THE ORDER OF OPERATIONS Think of PEMDAS to get you started with the steps 1. Do parenthesis first 2. Simplify all exponents and Radicals 3. Multiply and/or divide from left to right 4. Add/Subtract from left to right
NOW YOU TRY x 3 – 10 + (15 – 8)
CONCLUSION What are the steps to order of operations? Who uses it? Careers? Why is it important?
SITES YOU CAN USE TO IMPROVE Millionaire/order-of-operations-millionaire.html Millionaire/order-of-operations-millionaire.html
RESOURCES order_of_operations#ixzz2C9ronUfo order_of_operations#ixzz2C9ronUfo