Inspire – MIWP 7a- introduction to Inspire D 2.9 DSI / ISTN / SDI 19/02/2015 1
D2.9 The document Why Group constitution Timeline Why Different theme approaching O&M (a trans-domain standard) need for a common understanding of its use Group constitution Cf p 2/99 Representative from themes re-using O&M. Some other themes were approached but declined the use of the standard … Timeline Too long to set up the group from the administrative side + 1 expert only being paid ~ 6 month time to carry out a quick work Work should be updated/consolidated DSI / ISTN / SDI 19/02/0215 > 2 2 2
Content-strategy Scope : Chapters 3 – 4 : set the scene Title mentions ‘O&M’ + SWE but content mainly based on O&M Chapters 3 – 4 : set the scene Introduction to terms and O&M + SWE Chapter 5 : a design pattern decision tree Tries to answer most common question when we start an observation related work 1°/ Should we use the Coverage model or O&M 2°/ If OM, then … => p 29/99 : the decision tree DSI / ISTN / SDI 19/02/0215 > 3 2 2
Content-strategy Chapter 6 : patching Clarification of semantic on the FoI How to describe observedProperties ‘Holy empty class’ OM_Process : how to use it. For the last 2 ones, the idea was to propose something to start with and, hopefully to end up with some EU repository (especially for the observedProperties). 6.6, 6.7 clearly ovoiding specialising OM_Observation DSI / ISTN / SDI 19/02/0215 > 4 2 2
Content-strategy Too tiny parts 6.5 : result Needed more discussion/testing. Ex : how will the system advertise the result is provided in a specific encoding which decoding library is only available there ? Thus annex B 8. Provision of O&M encoded data We wanted to write a web service pattern defining Which service to do what How to link with a WFS providing the Environmental Monitoring Facilities : thus the chapter 6.8 because we have several instance diagrams in EF specs annexes Could be enriched by what we do in GEOSS AIP Water DSI / ISTN / SDI 19/02/0215 > 5 2 2