Stormwater Simulation System Presenter Certification Training
Objectives Proper care of model to prevent damage Set up of model Various experiments (wetlands, parking lot, levee, detention, etc.)
Stormwater Simulation System Presenter Training The following presentation shows how to use and demonstrate the 3D Floodplain model effectively All experiments and lesson plans can be modified for any age group
Why do we need certified presenters? Floodplain modeling demonstrations are being offered as a hands-on activity, to local schools, civic groups, city councils, economic development committees, etc. at no cost.
Why we offer this service? To help people of every age who have been through a flood understand it from a scientific standpoint in order to process the trauma & regain a sense of control over their world. Raise awareness of the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain Promote the profession of floodplain management Save lives!!!
Stormwater/Floodplain Model Simple, easy to use Portable Hands on, Interactive & Fun! 3 Different “Plug and Play” Headwater Trays Can add a levee to modify floodplain Can change the slope Can modify rainfall intensity over headwater (2 rainmaker trays) Staff gage used to measure river levels Shows dangers & impact of unplanned development & human activity in the floodplain. Comes with setup and curriculum guide with defined activities and procedures - can be modified to fit any age, education level or group activity.
This is the Stormwater/Floodplain Simulation Model
Slope of Stormwater/Floodplain Model is easily adjustable using the custom riser
Three Different “Plug and Play” Headwater Types: 1.) Wetland 2.) Parking Lot 3.) Stormwater Retention Pond
Note holes drilled into Wetland Headwater to simulate base flow and groundwater principles…
Looking Upriver with Wetland Headwater installed
Looking Downriver with Parking Lot Headwater installed
Birds eye view Zone X Outlet Zone X Headwater Chapman River Zone A Zone AE Floodplain Zone X Flood way Zone X
Cross Section of the Stormwater/Floodplain Model
Cross Section of River showing staff gage
A known quantity of water is poured into the “rainmaker” on the headwater, and the timing and quantity is measured at the outlet for each Headwater type.
Using the Floodplain Simulator Create an experiment that will flood an entire town & cause homes to float away See the value of wetlands, retention ponds, detention ponds, rain gardens, green roofs, porous pavement Build levees and see how stream flow affects downstream communities during times of high run-off Understand the dangers of driving over a flooded road Wonderful opportunity for team building to find and test solutions to a variety of floodplain problems
Curriculum Includes… Introduction/Case Study of a flood prone community Fate of Rain Modeling Flood Risk Factors Experiments Wetland Headwater Parking Lot Headwater Manmade attempts to minimize flooding Floodplain with Levee Retention Pond Headwater Factors affecting flood forecasts No Adverse Impact Turn Around Don’t Drown Creating a Flood Safe Community Run-off Footprint
Portage Northern High School Environmental Science Class For Each Experiment 1 person adds the rainfall 1 person takes readings 1 person records the time 1 person records the data 1 person builds the levee Data is input into excel spreadsheet and plotted. Portage Northern High School Environmental Science Class
Results from Experiments… Example of data plotted in Microsoft Excel
Hands-on, Table Top Stormwater/Floodplain Simulation Model Credits Bill Robison, P.E. CFM, OFMA Education & Outreach Committee Dee Robison, CFM, OFMA Education & Outreach Committee Chairman Hands-on, Table Top Stormwater/Floodplain Simulation Model Sponsored by the Michigan Stormwater-Floodplain Association and Marketed by WARD’S Natural Science Developed by: Mark Walton, CFM, Weather Forecast Office Grand Rapids, Michigan, and David Chapman, Okemos High School Science Teacher, Okemos, Michigan WARD’S Natural Science phone: 800-962-2660 fax: 800-334-6174 Serious About Science Since 1862!