Introduction to the hackAIR platform
Hello! Meet the team [Insert names]
Hello! Introduction Who are you? your name your interest in air quality which citizen science/air quality apps have you used before?
Programme today Exploration of the hackAIR platform Using the platform
The hackAIR platform If we care about air quality, we need better information about it! hackAIR aims to: fill gaps where distances between monitoring sites may be large improve access to data from many sources provide up to date air quality information
The hackAIR platform A website and mobile app that provide citizens with improved information about air pollution levels where they live
hackAIR in a nutshell Access to: Open source code; Real-time information on the current status of air quality; A community of like-minded users; Personalised recommendations.
What hackAIR measures Particulate matter measures the amount of small particles and droplets suspended in air. Once inhaled, these can affect hearts and lungs. Any air pollution can have health effects – the official limit values are: 50 μg/m³ 24-hour mean PM10 (larger particles) 25 μg/m³ 24-hour mean PM2.5 (smaller particles) hackAIR determines PM10 values through three strategies: Direct measurements with laser sensors Analysis of sky photos using aerosol optical depth Analysis of dust caught on grease
User benefits easy engagement and participation in monitoring atmospheric particle matter get real-time information on air quality participate in a community on air quality receive personalised recommendations for action
1. Download the app
2. Create an account
Live exploration / insert screenshots of your city Explore the map Live exploration / insert screenshots of your city
Opportunities Explore the platform yourself What possibilities do you see? Which features do you want to try out? Any questions? Share in pairs Share in plenary
[Insert an up to date screenshot from your own profile] 3. Edit your profile [Insert an up to date screenshot from your own profile]
Data sources of hackAIR Find out what the air quality info is based on. Work in pairs. List at least 3 different sources in your city and locate them on the map. Official measurement points? Active users? hackAIR sensing devices? Other sources?
4. Upload a photo Work in groups of three Go outside, take a photograph of the sky and upload it through the app Log your observation: share your perception of the current air quality in your city.
Possibilities of the platform [to be decided by facilitator]
Your own cardboard sensor Pick up your own hackAIR cardboard sensor and hang it up outside your house. Take a picture of it tomorrow (with the hackAIR app) to see how the air quality has been!
Feedback on the software Help us to improve the hackAIR platform! What should we include and improve in the next version?
Next steps Now it’s up to you! How will you use the hackAIR platform in the coming week? List (at least) 1 action on the post-it. Have fun!