Three Domains Fig 27.2
Tentative Phylogeny Fig 28.8
Phagocytosis Fig 8.19a Many protists engulf cells, debris (Food) by phagocytosis
Amoeba phagocytosis with pseudopodia
Endosymbiotic Origins of Eukarya
Protistan Systematics in flux Figs. 28.6; 28.7
Still need to account for: 9 + 2 flagella and cilia which are analogous to prokaryotic flagella The origins of mitosis and meiosis which also utilize microtubules
Origins of Mitosis Fig. 12.11
Archezoans may provide clues to early eukaryotes. These organisms have relatively simple cytoskeleletons and mitochondria Simplified mitochondria, without electron transport chains, Their ribosomes have some prokaryote characteristics They have two haploid nuclei ( no diploid stage)
Giardia - a diplomonad
Giardia Cyst
Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Fig. 28-03a Diplomonads Parabasalids Excavata Euglenozoans Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Diatoms Chromalveolata Golden algae Stramenopiles Brown algae Oomycetes Chlorarachniophytes Forams Rhizaria Radiolarians Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Figure 28.3 Protist diversity For the Cell Biology Video Demonstration of Chemotaxis, go to Animation and Video Files. Charophyceans Land plants Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Gymnamoeba Pseudopodia Ectoplasm, Endoplasm
Endoplasm Ectoplasm
Amoeba slide
Plasmodial Slime Molds
Cellular Slime Molds
Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Fig. 28-03a Diplomonads Parabasalids Excavata Euglenozoans Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Diatoms Chromalveolata Golden algae Stramenopiles Brown algae Oomycetes Chlorarachniophytes Forams Rhizaria Radiolarians Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Figure 28.3 Protist diversity For the Cell Biology Video Demonstration of Chemotaxis, go to Animation and Video Files. Charophyceans Land plants Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Excavata Chromalveolata Chlorarachniophytes Rhizaria Foraminiferans Fig. 28-UN3 Excavata Chromalveolata Chlorarachniophytes Foraminiferans Rhizaria Radiolarians Archaeplastida Unikonta
Foraminifera CaCO3 test Axopodia zooplankton
Foram slide
Foram tests
Actinopoda- (Radiolaria) SiO2 test Axopodia Zooplankton
Radiolarian (live) with axopodia
Radiolaria slide
Radiolaria close up
Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Fig. 28-03a Diplomonads Parabasalids Excavata Euglenozoans Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Diatoms Chromalveolata Golden algae Stramenopiles Brown algae Oomycetes Chlorarachniophytes Forams Rhizaria Radiolarians Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Figure 28.3 Protist diversity For the Cell Biology Video Demonstration of Chemotaxis, go to Animation and Video Files. Charophyceans Land plants Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Diplomonads Excavata Parabasalids Euglenozoans Fig. 28-03b Figure 28.3 Protist diversity
Trypanosoma sp.
Trypanosoma in blood
Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Fig. 28-03a Diplomonads Parabasalids Excavata Euglenozoans Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Diatoms Chromalveolata Golden algae Stramenopiles Brown algae Oomycetes Chlorarachniophytes Forams Rhizaria Radiolarians Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Figure 28.3 Protist diversity For the Cell Biology Video Demonstration of Chemotaxis, go to Animation and Video Files. Charophyceans Land plants Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Paramecia in yeast
Paramecia prepared slide
Paramecia conjugation slide
Didinium eating paramecia
White blood cells
Plasmodium slide
Oomycota Water “molds” Hyphae Diploid dominant Swimming zoospores Cellulose cell walls Saprobic & disease causing Potato blight Sudden Oak Death
Attacks goldfish
Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Fig. 28-03a Diplomonads Parabasalids Excavata Euglenozoans Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Diatoms Chromalveolata Golden algae Stramenopiles Brown algae Oomycetes Chlorarachniophytes Forams Rhizaria Radiolarians Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Figure 28.3 Protist diversity For the Cell Biology Video Demonstration of Chemotaxis, go to Animation and Video Files. Charophyceans Land plants Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Alveolates Chromalveolata Stramenopiles Fig. 28-03c Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Diatoms Chromalveolata Golden algae Stramenopiles Brown algae Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Oomycetes
Chlorarachniophytes Rhizaria Forams Radiolarians Fig. 28-03d Figure 28.3 Protist diversity
Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Charophyceans Fig. 28-03e Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Charophyceans Land plants Figure 28.3 Protist diversity
Slime molds Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Unikonta Nucleariids Fungi Fig. 28-03f Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Figure 28.3 Protist diversity Choanoflagellates Animals
Diplomonads Excavata Parabasalids Kinetoplastids Euglenozoans Fig. 28-UN1 Diplomonads Parabasalids Excavata Kinetoplastids Euglenozoans Euglenids Chromalveolata Rhizaria Archaeplastida Unikonta