Region One Football Officials Association Rule Topics: The Passing Game Rule 2-31, 7-4, 7-5 We Are All Here to Learn
What is a pass? Answer: A pass is throwing the ball that is in player possession. The ball must travel in flight and must been thrown towards the opponents end line. What is a legal forward pass? Answer: A player of (A) throws the ball with both feet in or behind the neutral zone when the ball is released forward. Only one forward pass may be thrown during a down. The pass ends when it is caught, touches the ground or goes out of bounds. What is backward pass? Answer: A pass thrown with its initial direction parallel with or toward the runner’s end line. The backward pass ends when caught, recovered or goes out of bounds.
Thoughts on Backward Passes/Fumbles Any player in possession may make a backward pass during a down. If a backward pass/fumble is caught or recovered by any player, they may advance it. The ball belongs to the team making the backward pass unless it is lost after 4th down: a. if it goes out of bounds between the goal lines b. becomes dead inbounds while no player is in possession c. becomes dead while inbounds while in joint possession of opponents If the backward pass/fumble is out of bounds behind a goal line, the ball belongs to the team defending that goal and the result is either a touchback or safety. Note: If a backward pass/fumble is declared dead in the end zone of the opponent of the player who threw the backward pass or fumbled while in no player possession, it is a touchdown. (Rule 8-1-C) (page 65 Rule Book)
What makes a forward pass illegal? Answers: A pass after team possession has changed. A pass from beyond the neutral zone. A pass intentionally thrown in an area not occupied by a eligible A player. A pass intentionally thrown to save yardage or conserve time. EXCEPTION: It is legal to intentionally throw the ball forward to the ground immediately after a direct hand-to-hand snap. A second pass and subsequent pass thrown forward during a down.
It is a completed pass when? Answers: It is caught by any A or B player. It may be advanced Caught by passer’s ineligible receiver Intercepted pass. Ball remains live Pass simultaneously caught by opponents It is an incomplete pass when? Pass touches the ground. Pass goes out of bounds Pass possessed by an airborne player but first touches the ground out of bounds.
Who is eligible to catch a pass? Answers: All (A) players eligible by position, are on the ends or behind the line numbered 1-49 or 80-99. All (A) player when (B) touches a legal forward pass. All (B) players A player eligible at the start of the down remains eligible throughout the down.
Forward Pass Interference Definition: The interference of any A or B player beyond the neutral zone who hinders an eligible opponents opportunity to move toward, catch or bat a pass. Interference Restrictions: Only apply beyond the neutral zone and only if a legal forward pass, untouched by B in or behind the neutral zone, crosses the neutral zone. Begins for (A) at the snap Begins for (B) when the ball leaves the passers hand. Ends for all (AP) eligible players when the ball has been touched by any player. Ends for ineligible (A) players when (B) touches the ball. Ends for all (B) players when the pass has been touched by any player. Ends all players when the pass is incomplete.
Not Interference if: Unavoidable contact occurs by two or more eligible’s making a simultaneous, bona fide attempt to move toward, catch or bat a pass Contact by (A) made immediately on a (B) lineman that does not continue beyond the neutral zone, Contact by (B) away from the direction of the pass. Illegal touching of a forward pass Definition: Any ineligible (A) player touches a forward pass by batting, muffing or catching a legal forward pass. Note: If touched by B first, such touching is ignored.
Ineligible Player Downfield Ineligible A players cannot advance beyond the neutral zone on a legal forward pass until it crosses the neutral zone in flight. If pass is touched by B in or behind the neutral zone, there cannot not be ineligibles downfield. The restriction is terminated! An ineligible (A) player can immediately contact a (B) lineman as long as the contact does not continue beyond the neutral zone.
Foul Penalty Enforcement Spot Illegal Forward Pass Pass after changed possession Pass from beyond neutral zone Pass thrown into an area not occupied by eligible (A) Pass thrown to conserve time A second pass thrown forward a: Loss of 5 yards b,c,d,e: Loss of 5 yards & Loss of Down End of Run Forward Pass Interference (applies only to legal forward pass) A hinders B B hinders A Intentional Pass Interference a & b: Loss of 15 yards c. Additional 15 yards Previous Spot Succeeding Spot Ineligible Downfield Loss of 5 yards Illegal Touching Loss of 5 yards & Loss of Down Basic Spot
Test Your Knowledge: 1. How many total eligible (A) players can you possibly have in a down? 3 5 6 Unlimited 2. Passer (A-1) takes a snap from the shotgun position, he immediately throws the ball forward to the ground. Legal Illegal 3. Passer (A-1) throws a pass downfield and it is simultaneously caught by (A-3) & (B-4) in the end zone. What is the ruling? Touchback for (B) Touchdown for (A) Simultaneous catch and down replayed Incomplete Pass
x x x x x x x x x x x Answer: 6 (See possible scenario below) 5 men numbered 50-79 – Legal 2 TE Numbered 81 & 82 – Eligible & Legal 4 others eligible by position and number - Legal x x x x x x x x x x x
Answer: 2. Illegal Penalty for intentionally thrown pass to conserve time/loss of yardage. (5 yard penalty and loss of down). Note: Must be direct hand-to hand snap to be legal!
Answer: 3. Touchdown Rule 7-5-4: If a forward pass is caught simultaneously by two opponents, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the passing team.