Caribbean disaster risk management &climate change data to Decision making Workshop NEMO & REDCROSS
What are the key-take aways ? Utilization of spatial data in assessment and decision making (QGIS) Networking among agencies Risk/vulnerability assessments Interpretation of spatial data
How can they be integrated into your work and decision making processes ? Map Vulnerable and high risk areas Creation of Data bank for sharing with stake holder agencies (e.g shelter assessment ) Mitigation Plans
What is the role of other development agencies ? WB-Funding and Training TNC-Training, public awareness and assessment of ecosystems UNDP- funding, training, projects & policies (all levels of society) e.g mangrove restoration in the Philippines OECS- networking among eastern Caribbean states (e.g CDEMA)
What resources do you need ? Financing Procurement of equipment (e.g software , hardware) Trained Personnel and training of personnel
Provide a timeline and suggested activites ? Activity: Training personnel to create and interpret risk maps Timeline: 8 weeks for training(January and February 2014) WKS 1-3-planning of training program WKS 4-5- mobilization of persons to be trained WK 6-assessment of responses WK 7-actual training WK 8-evaluation