The church at Ephesus Five general weakness of the 7 churches Common issues today also. Paganism in general and emperor worship specifically Jewish Harassment Temptation of Materialism and Lawlessness (Nicolaitans;Balaam;Jezebel) Loss of zeal and love Spiritual weariness; lukewarm; indifferent Giving into any of these is certain death then and now.
Ancient Ephesus 4th largest city in Roman Empire (about 250000) Temple of Diana was located there (one of wonders of the ancient world (about three times as large as Parthenon in Athens). Natural Harbor (three trade routes converged there). Protected by mountain ranges Self-governing Famous Library and a theater that seated over 25000.
Spiritual Condition Had preachers like Paul (for three years during his third journey). Aquilla and Priscilla were from there. Apollos Timothy (1 and 2 Timothy) Possibly John before he was imprisoned on Patmos. They had good teaching and good teachers. They had good leadership in the beginning (Acts 20:26-28) Letter to them written about 62 AD
Revelation 2:1-7 The Lord knew their works. They were loyal but still lacking. A congregation without fervor (not useful to the Lord). 1 Cor. 3:1-3- must have proper motive to serve the Lord properly. They were commended for:1. Their labor 2. Patient Endurance (endured trials and hardships and were persecuted). 3. Can’t bear evil)
Condemnation of Ephesus Rev. 1:4 Not enough to do all right things---worship right way--defend the truth. If heart is not right in this, all is fruitless with God. The Lord tells them they have “left their first love” They no longer had the vigor they had at the first. Eph 3:15-16- when Paul visited them in 62-63- he thanked God for their faithfulness. 30 years later as John writes to the them in Revelation- things have changed.
What Does “left your first love” mean? Some love of some kind still there shown by their work. But “first love” was lacking. Fiery passion and devoted zeal they had at the first was not evident. Acts 19:19-20- burning of books of magic, and their growth in the Word is noted. Eph. 1:15- Paul noted the love they showed for one another. Acts 20:36-38-love of the elders from there shown to Paul Three decades later difference. This can happen to any congregation.
What Causes loss of First love? Perhaps mentality of “inherited membership” but with lack of zeal or reason of the hope within them? Cannot take our salvation for granted. No such thing as inherited faith. Danger of getting bogged down in “going through the motions” thinking that is what it is all about. Children need to be taught the truth and be encouraged to serve the Lord out of love for Him not loyalty to mom and dad. Sound church in many ways, but the fire had gone out. Needed to be rekindled.
Admonition Rev. 1:5 How does a church correct such a problem? Remember- Repent- Return, this is the Lord’s prescribed way to return to proper service. Keep doing what is right, but correct the things lacking. You once had a love that burned brightly for the Lord- recall that and remind one another of it-know the history of the local work. This helps move us to repent. Repent- correct the heart problem. Rekindle fire and zeal that once burned there. Have a love and passion for Christ that properly motivates all the good things that are done. Return- Do the first works- have that first love again.
Rev. 1:5- Admonition in the form of Warning “or else” the Lord will remove your lampstand from its place (if they do not repent). He will reject this congregation as His because of their spiritual condition. Candlesticks supposed to give light, when fail to do this they are just ornaments with no purpose. Be careful that we do not become this – all form but no spirit.
Rev. 1:6-Admonition to Hear Hear what God says and heed the admonition and warning. Reward for doing so- the right to “eat from the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God. (allusion to Gen. 3:22- implies eternal life- they had access to it but lost it). This is what they will have when they die eternal life in a beautiful place but they must correct the issues as hand. More commendation after essential correction. Do not know much about Nicolaitans- the Lord hated their deeds and Ephesians did too. Held a doctrine opposed to Christ. They took a stand against them and would have none of it- they dealt with them and are commended by the Lord for it. They hated the deeds not souls of those who carried these deeds.
Lessons From Ephesus for Us Testing of our faith produces patience (James 1;2-3). We should see trials and challenges as opportunities to grow stronger and more able to endure. Satan intends these things to destroy and divide brethren, homes and individuals. Paul admonished the Ephesians in chapter 6 to put on the whole armor of God. No hereditary faith. Each child of God must have conviction and zeal. A congregation without fervor is fruitless. Form is of little value unless the proper motive is present (out of love) (1 Cor. 1:1-3).