Early Learning-Kindergarten Program Subject/Division Associations The Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program Subject/Division Associations Curriculum and Assessment Policy Branch Ministry of Education May 2012 1 1 1
Vision of Full-Day Kindergarten “The Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program is a child-centred, developmentally appropriate, integrated, extended-day program of learning for four- and five-year-old children. The purpose of the program is to establish a strong foundation for learning in the early years, and to do so in a safe and caring play-based environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of all children.” 2
Vision of Full-Day Kindergarten The goals of the Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program are as follows: • to establish a strong foundation for the early years by providing young children with an integrated day of learning • to provide a play-based learning environment • to help children make a smoother transition to Grade 1 • to improve children’s prospects for success in school and in their lives beyond school 3
How Did We Get Here? Fall 2009 Initial draft program writing Focus groups and revision writing Winter 2010 Regional consultations Editing Approvals Spring 2010 Board team training Summer 2010 Teacher, Early Childhood Educator and Principal training 4
How Did We Get Here? Fall 2010 Teacher, Early Childhood Educator and Principal training Informal feedback School visits Spring 2011 Teacher, Early Childhood Educator and Principal training Video development Summer 2011 Building Leadership Capacity and Implementation Symposium 5
How Did We Get Here? Fall 2011/ Feedback Consultation Winter 2012 Spring 2012 Supporting Year 3 Implementation Training Capacity Building for Board Leadership teams 6
Where Are We Going? Spring/Summer 2012 Focus groups: electronic document Revision writing Fall 2012 Focus groups: FDELK document Ongoing revision writing Spring 2013 Editing Implementation training and capacity building sessions Fall 2013 Revised document posted 7
The 3 Rs Rethink Repeat Remove practices to ensure they are based on current, evidence-based research and aligned with the FDELK program document Repeat exemplary practices that are aligned with current research and the FDELK program document Remove practices that have no grounding in current, evidence-based research or are misinterpretations of or not evident in the FDELK program document 8 8
The 3 Rs Rethink learning environment theme-based planning 9 9
embedded literacy and numeracy The 3 Rs Repeat assessment practices play-based learning embedded literacy and numeracy 1010 1010
generic arts and crafts The 3 Rs Remove generic work sheets generic arts and crafts 1111 1111
Resources The Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program (Draft 2010) The Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program: The Extended-Day Program (Draft 2010) Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program for Four- and Five-Year-Olds: A Reference Guide for Educators Video series: Making Thinking and Learning Visible Principal Tip Sheets (ELD) Materials from LNS 1212 1212
Video 1313 1313
Discussion student voice student engagement a student-driven learning environment 1414 1414