Financial protection for those things that matter most! Issued by Minnesota Life Insurance Company Financial protection for those things that matter most! Group Term Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance My name is ***** and I am here to share with you some important details about your life insurance issued by Minnesota Life Insurance Company, an affiliate of Securian Financial Group. I am going to try to keep this presentation to five minutes and have compiled only the important details of your coverage options. If you have a specific question during the presentation, please come stop by table so we can discuss those individually. I also have a plan summary that highlights the plan details and rates that you can come grab from me on your way out. Your family is your top priority, and you can't always prepare for life's unforeseen events. Your financial needs, goals, and dreams will change. However, making sure your loved ones are protected will always be important. It's never too early or late to start thinking about insurance, no matter where you are in life. Strengthen your financial plan with group term life and AD&D insurance from Securian. Retirement slides start on slide 23.
A Quick Glance: No changes No action is required Good time to consider your life insurance needs As an active employee of Texas A&M University System, you have the opportunity to elect group term life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) for yourself and family through your employer. There are no changes to your life insurance coverage amounts. Which means there is no action if you want to keep your coverage at the same amount(s). Along with your other benefits, annual enrollment is a great time to consider your life insurance needs and ensure your beneficiary(ies) are up-to-date.
The average number of years group life insurance benefits will replace lost income is … On average, how many years will group life insurance benefits replace lost income? Any guesses? Presentation note: Remember, this is an average. How much life insurance you may need depends on your financial situation and your specific circumstances at this point in your life. You may need less life insurance when you are younger and want to bulk up your coverage as you get older and then start lowering it again as you get closer to retirement. LIMRA, 2018
The average household Group Life insurance coverage is … One more … How much Group Life Insurance coverage do you think the average household has? Remember, this is group life insurance (so typically this coverage is purchased through your employer as part of your benefits package). Any guesses? Again, this is an average and is something you can use as a thermometer as we start talking about your coverage options as an employee of Texas A&M. LIMRA, 2018
Your Coverage Options Now we will talk about the coverage options available to you!
Basic Insurance (for those enrolled in A&M System health plan) Life: $7,500 AD&D: $5,000 Dependent Life: $5,000 for each eligible child Your Basic Life benefit is dependent on your health coverage. If you have health coverage through A&M System, you have $7,500 of Employee Basic Life, $5,000 AD&D and $5,000 of Dependent Life for each eligible child under the age of 26. This is 100% paid for by your employer. Paid for by your employer
Alternate Basic Life Insurance (ABL) (for those with health coverage outside the A&M System health plan) Life: $50,000 AD&D: $5,000 Dependent Life: $5,000 for each eligible child For those with health coverage outside of A&M system (for example with your spouse), you are provided with Basic Term Life insurance of $50,000. Additionally, you are provided with AD&D in the amount of $5,000. Children under the age of 26 are also covered with a flat amount of term life insurance of $5,000. Paid for by your employer
Basic Life Insurance (for those with no health coverage) AD&D: $5,000 Dependent Life: $5,000 for each eligible child For those employees with no health care coverage, you can elect up to $7,500 in Basic Term Life insurance and $5,000 in AD&D insurance. There is also a $5,000 Term Life benefit for each of your eligible children up to age 26. You can enroll and pay for Basic Life coverage. This is paid for by the employee
Employee Optional Term Life Insurance ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 times your annualized salary Max Coverage: $1,000,000 EOI required for any changes In addition to your Basic Life, you can elect additional life insurance for you and your family. This additional coverage is not available to those employees whose health coverage is outside A&M System (those enrolled in the Alternate Basic Life (the second basic option I explained on slide 8). Your premium for Optional Term Life will be deducted out of your check. Your choices are ½, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 times your annualized salary. If you already have optional life coverage in force from last year, it will automatically continue in September. If you want to apply for the first time, or if you want to increase your current coverage, you will need to complete an evidence of insurability form (also known as EOI). Not available to employees enrolled in ABL
Coverage cannot exceed 100% of employee’s Optional Life amount Dependent Term Life Insurance – Option A (Current Optional Life participants) Enrolled Spouse Enrolled Children $25,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $150,000 or $200,000 $10,000 For those of you who are currently enrolled in Optional Life coverage (ABL: aka, those with health coverage outside of A&M are not available for this coverage) you have the option to apply for coverage for your spouse and children with Dependent Life Insurance under Option A. (Those with ABL are not eligible). You pay the premium for coverage and it comes directly out of your check just like the Employee Optional Term Life. Two key things to note about all of the dependent coverages is that if you have a spouse who also works for A&M System, he or she is not eligible for coverage as a spouse if he/she is enrolled in Optional Life. If your spouse is not enrolled in Optional Life, he/she is eligible for coverage. Only one parent of any children may cover a child as a dependent child under the group policy. This is commonly known as dual coverage. Coverage cannot exceed 100% of employee’s Optional Life amount
Enrolled Spouse and Children Dependent Term Life Insurance – Option B Basic Life, ABL or Optional Life participants Enrolled Spouse and Children Life: $5,000 Matching AD&D: $5,000 In order to elect coverages in Option B, you must be insured for Basic Life, Alternate Basic Life or Optional Life. As a quick refresh, if you have health insurance through A&M System you can elect Option B. If you are paying for Alternate Basic Life or have Optional Life insurance, you are also eligible to elect these coverages for your Spouse and/or Children. Dual coverage is not allowed on Option B.
Dependent Term Life Insurance – Option C ABL participants Enrolled Spouse Enrolled Children Life: 50% of employee’s ABL coverage Life: 10% of employee’s ABL coverage In order to elect Option C dependent coverages, you must be enrolled in Alternate Basic Life (meaning you have health coverage outside of A&M System). Option C is different from Option A and B in the fact that the Life amount for Spouse and Children is a percentage of your ABL coverage. For example if you have the maximum of ABL Life insurance of $50,000, your Spouse would be covered for $25,000, which is 50% of your current ABL coverage. Additionally, your child would have $5,000 in Dependent Life coverage up to age 26. Employees with A&M System health coverage and without health coverage are not eligible
Dependent Term Life Insurance – Additional Information Spouse Children Coverage cannot exceed 100% of employee’s Optional Life Only one child may be covered by one parent EOI required for any changes Children are eligible from live birth to 26 All elections guaranteed Are there any questions about Option A, B and C that I can help clarify? If questions, Slide 10 is A, Slide 11 is B and Slide 12 is C. Great, I do want to make you aware of some additional information about Dependent Life Insurance before we move on. All of this information applies to whether you have elected coverages in Options A, B or C.
Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Employee Plan Employees whose annual salary is less than or equal to $25,000 Employees whose annual salary is greater than $25,000 The final coverage that you can elect is Optional Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage. This insurance can be elected, regardless of your Basic Life coverage. This coverage only pays a benefit as a result of an accidental death or an accidental dismemberment. The first part of this coverage is the Employee Plan. This plan covers just yourself and not your family. No matter what amount you elect in Optional AD&D, this coverage never requires EOI. Elect in $10,000 increments up to $250,000 Elect 1-10x annual salary up to $800,000
Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Employee + Family Plan Spouse (w/children): 50% of employee’s election Spouse (no children): 60% of employee’s election Each child (w/spouse): 10% of employee’s election Each child (no spouse): 15% of employee’s election The second part of the Optional AD&D coverage is the Family Plan. This coverage protects your family and you in case of an accidental death or accidental dismemberment. You can choose the amount of coverage from the employee plan (click to the previous slide). Based on the amount of coverage you elect for yourself, your spouse and/or children are covered for a percentage of the amount you elected. For example: If I elected $100,000 in Optional AD&D for myself but I wanted to cover my spouse (as I don’t have any children), then my Spouse would be covered for $60,000 of Optional AD&D under the Optional AD&D family plan. Just like the Employee Optional AD&D insurance, this coverage never requires EOI. (Maximum: $25,000) (Maximum: $25,000)
Workday Enroll Online at: Now that you are aware of how Group Term Life & AD&D could be an integral part of your financial plan and the coverage options available, you can now enroll for coverage online on iBenefits. Please remember your annual enrollment window closes on July 31, 2018. As a little reminder, please be sure you designate a beneficiary and keep it up to date as life progresses. Annual enrollment is a great time to look back at your current designation and ensure it satisfies your intent.
Continuing Coverage Portability Conversion No EOI required Premiums may be higher than active employees Basic coverage is not portable 31 days to elect coverage Port coverage continues to age 70 No EOI required Convert coverage to an individual policy Premiums may be higher than active and ported coverages 31 days to elect coverage Continuing coverage. As a reminder, this is Term Life insurance coverage (coverage intended for your working years). If you do leave employment with A&M systems, you do have to ability to continue your coverage and pay premiums directly to Securian. You can port all or a portion of your exiting Optional coverage that you are paying for you and your family. Your elections have to be made within 31 days from your last date of employment, and you can continue all or a portion of the amount you had in force. The premiums are higher than the amount you are paying as an active employee. Ported coverage can continue to age 70. Once you reach age 70, you can convert your coverage to an individual life policy. The premiums for converted coverage are higher than port coverage.
Additional resources Additional Resources Interlude slide
Term Life insurance video Insurance needs calculator Additional resources Questions? Contact Securian at: 1-877-443-5854 Term Life insurance video Here are more resources to assist you in evaluating your life insurance needs. If you have additional questions after today, please contact Securian. I have plan summary with coverage options and rates that you can grab from me on your way out. For more education about term life insurance, I recommend visiting an awesome three-minute video at If you need help determining the amount of coverage you need, access our online calculator at to help make a well informed decision. You should consider evaluating your life insurance needs every few years to ensure you have the proper coverage in place. Insurance needs calculator
LifeSuite Services To meet your life needs Life happens. When it does – turn to your LifeSuite services. These services are designed to help you in times of need and are only a click or a call away. As part of being insured through Securian, you automatically have access to a suite of additional resources – including Legal, Financial and Grief resources, Travel Assistance, Legacy Planning and Beneficiary Financial Counseling. These programs are available to you, your spouse and insurance-eligible children even if they are not insured for the life insurance. You do not have to enroll or pay a premium for these programs; simply access them when you need them. Stop by table for a handout with the contact information for each service.
The legal, financial and grief services are provided by Lifeworks The legal, financial and grief services are provided by Lifeworks. The services are not affiliated with Minnesota Life, Securian or its group contracts and may be discontinued at any time. Certain terms, conditions and restrictions may apply when utilizing the services. The travel assistance services are provided by RedpointWTP LLC. The services are not affiliated with Securian or its group contracts and may be discontinued at any time. Certain terms, conditions and restrictions may apply when utilizing the services. Services provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are their sole responsibility. The services are not affiliated with Securian or its group contracts and may be discontinued at any time. Certain terms, conditions and restrictions may apply when utilizing the services. Neither PwC nor its employees are involved in the sale or endorsement of investment or insurance products. This is a summary of plan provisions related to the insurance policy issued by Minnesota Life Insurance Company to Texas A&M University System. In the event of a conflict between this summary and the policy and/or certificate, the policy and/or certificate shall dictate the insurance provisions, exclusions, all limitations and terms of coverage. This product is offered under policy form series MHC-96-13180.42 and 02-30428.42.
Texas A&M Retirement Coverage Introduce yourself Group Term Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
Basic Life during retirement? What happens to my Basic Life during retirement? Basic Life coverage continues Basic Life premium is paid in the same way When you retire, you can continue your Basic Life or Alternative Basic Life and Basic AD&D without EOI. Basic Child Life will continue for any eligible dependent children. Coverage does not reduce for the most part. However, when you turn age 80 those under the Alternate Basic Life – coverage will reduce to $30,000. Premium is paid in the same way as active employees. For example, if A&M system was paying the premium before; they will continue to pay the premium. If you paid the premium, you continue to pay the premium. Just like active employees, rates increase with age.
Under 70 At 70 At 80 Retiree Optional Life Maximum coverage reduces to $100,000 At 80 Maximum coverage reduces to $60,000 Maximum coverage reduces to $30,000 You pay on the same rate table as active employees (the rates are on the handout you received). If you are losing any coverage at retirement, age 70 or 80, you can choose to continue this coverage and pay premiums directly to Securian through the portability or conversion option. I’ll talk more about these options in a few slides. One thing to note is that age reductions will apply the first day of the month following an insured retiree's applicable birthday. PRESENTERS NOTE – Do not say this aloud, but any retirees prior to September 1, 2009 were grandfathered in under the old plan, which did NOT have the age reductions. If they were already ages 70 or 80, they can keep the higher amounts. If they were not age 70 or 80, they still have the reductions when they reach that age If you are under the age of 70, you may apply to increase your Optional Life insurance up to a maximum of $100,000, subject to a satisfactory EOI.
Dependent Life during retirement (Option A) Child coverage remains at $10,000 Note: Option A is only available to current Optional Life participants. ABL participants are not eligible. Retiree under 70, Spouse coverage maximum reduces to $50,000 Retiree age 70, Spouse maximum reduces to $30,000 Retiree age 80, Spouse maximum reduces to $15,000 When you retire, you can continue your Dependent Life insurance. There are some limits to the coverage you can continue, based on your age. If you do not have Dependent Term Life, you can apply for coverage at retirement, but your Spouse will need to provide a satisfactory Evidence of Insurability. You pay on the same rate table as active employees (the rates are on the plan summary at my table). If you are losing any coverage at retirement, age 70 or 80, you can choose to continue this coverage and pay premiums directly to Securian through the portability or conversion option. PRESENTERS NOTE – Do not say this aloud, but any retirees prior to September 1, 2009 were grandfathered in under the old plan, which did NOT have the age 80 reduction…so regardless of their current age, they can continue up to $60,000 after age 70. You may apply for any of these coverages during retirement (Spouse coverage requires EOI). The Spouse coverage can’t exceed 100% of the retiree’s amount.
Dependent Life during retirement (Option B) Enrolled Spouse and Children Life: $5,000 Matching AD&D: $5,000 Option B is available to Basic Life, ABL or Optional Life participants. In order to elect coverages in Option B, you must be insured for Basic Life, Alternate Basic Life or Optional Life. For example, if you have health insurance through A&M System you can elect Option B. Additionally, if you are paying for Alternate Basic Life or Optional Life insurance, you are also eligible to elect these coverages for your Spouse and/or Children. Dual coverage is not allowed on Option B.
Dependent Life during retirement (Option C) Enrolled Spouse Enrolled Children Life: 10% of the retiree’s ABL coverage Life: the lesser of 50% of the retiree’s ABL coverage or $15,000 Option C is only available to current ABL participants. Retirees with A&M System health coverage and without health coverage are not eligible. In order to elect Option C dependent coverages, you must be enrolled in Alternate Basic Life. You fall under this category if you have health insurance outside of A&M System (example: you are covered by your spouse’s health coverage). Option C is different from Option A and B in the fact that the Life amount for Spouse and Children is a percentage of your ABL coverage.
What happens to Optional AD&D during retirement? Retiree under 70, maximum coverage is $200,000 Retiree age 70 and over, maximum coverage is $60,000 Retiree + Family Plan Amounts coverage amounts remain as percentage of retiree’s election. You may apply for this coverage after retirement. When you retire, you can continue your Optional AD&D coverage. Coverage amount maximums decrease when you retire. If you are under age 70 when you retire, the maximum Optional AD&D coverage is $200,000 in $10,000 increments. Once you reach 70 and older, the maximum Optional AD&D coverage is $60,000. This is for the retiree plan only. If you have the Retiree + Family plan, your Optional AD&D amounts will decrease based on your age and your dependents amounts (Spouse and children) will also decrease based on the percentage elected by the retiree. Slide 29 has the Retiree + Family plan on it. Rates are higher than active employees and coverages can also be elected after retirement. Note: Age reductions will apply the first day of the month following an insured retiree's applicable birthday.
Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Retiree + Family Plan Spouse (w/children): 50% of retiree’s election Spouse (no children): 60% of retiree’s election Each child (w/spouse): 10% of retiree’s election Each child (no spouse): 15% of retiree’s election The second part of the Optional AD&D coverage that is available to you is the Family Plan. This coverage protects your family and you in case of an accidental death or dismemberment. You can choose the amount of coverage from the retiree plan (click to the previous slide) and then your spouse and/or children are covered for a percentage of the amount you elected. For example: If I elected $100,000 in Optional AD&D for myself but I wanted to cover my spouse (as I don’t have any children), then my Spouse would be covered for $60,000 of Optional AD&D under the Optional AD&D family plan. Again, there is no EOI required for this coverage. (Maximum: $25,000) (Maximum: $25,000)
Dependent Term Life Insurance – Additional Information Spouse Children Coverage cannot exceed 100% of retiree’s Optional Life EOI required for any changes Only one child may be covered by one parent All elections guaranteed Children are eligible from live birth to 26 Are there any questions about Option A, B and C that I can help clarify? If questions, Slide 25 is A, Slide is B 26 and Slide 27 is C. Great, I do want to make you aware of some additional information about Dependent Life Insurance before we move on. All of this information applies to whether you have elected coverages in Options A, B or C. One thing to note is if your first eligible child dies within the first 31 days of birth, but prior to you enrolling for child coverage, a benefit of $5,000 will be paid. Additional information applies to Options A, B and C
Additional Resources Additional resources Interlude slide (just click through this)
Term Life insurance video Insurance needs calculator Additional resources Questions? Contact Securian at: 1-877-443-5854 Term Life insurance video Here are more resources to assist you in evaluating your life insurance needs. If you have additional questions after today, please contact Securian. I have plan summary with coverage options and rates that you can grab from me on your way out. Port and conversion rates will not be on the handout. For more education about term life insurance, I recommend visiting an awesome three-minute video at If you need help determining the amount of coverage you need, access our online calculator at to help make a well informed decision. You should consider evaluating your life insurance needs every few years to ensure you have the proper coverage in place. Insurance needs calculator
LifeSuite Services To meet your life needs Life happens. When it does – turn to your LifeSuite services. These services are designed to help you in times of need and are only a click or a call away. As part of being insured through Securian, you automatically have access to a suite of additional resources – including Legal, Financial and Grief resources, Legacy Planning and Beneficiary Financial Counseling. These programs are available to you, your spouse and insurance-eligible children even if they’re not insured for the life insurance. You do not have to enroll or pay a premium for these programs; simply access them if and when you need them.
The legal, financial and grief services are provided by Lifeworks The legal, financial and grief services are provided by Lifeworks. The services are not affiliated with Minnesota Life, Securian or its group contracts and may be discontinued at any time. Certain terms, conditions and restrictions may apply when utilizing the services. The travel assistance services are provided by RedpointWTP LLC. The services are not affiliated with Securian or its group contracts and may be discontinued at any time. Certain terms, conditions and restrictions may apply when utilizing the services. Services provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are their sole responsibility. The services are not affiliated with Securian or its group contracts and may be discontinued at any time. Certain terms, conditions and restrictions may apply when utilizing the services. Neither PwC nor its employees are involved in the sale or endorsement of investment or insurance products. This is a summary of plan provisions related to the insurance policy issued by Minnesota Life Insurance Company to Texas A&M University System. In the event of a conflict between this summary and the policy and/or certificate, the policy and/or certificate shall dictate the insurance provisions, exclusions, all limitations and terms of coverage. This product is offered under policy form series MHC-96-13180.42 and 02-30428.42.