Title: Anat & Phys 8/30/06 Objectives: Class Topics Chapter 1 Test 11/23/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 8/30/06 Objectives: To assess knowledge of preliminary information and begin learning about histology Class Topics Chapter 1 Test Histology Epithelial tissue Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember Anne Sullivan Friday, November 23, 2018 6:54 AM
Class Assignments Chapter 1 Test 8/30/06 Read 80-111 9/12/06 11/23/2018 Class Assignments What By When Chapter 1 Test 8/30/06 Read 80-111 9/12/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
11/23/2018 Posttest Activities Hand in the test Read Chapter 4
Epithelial Tissue Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar 11/23/2018 Epithelial Tissue Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar Stratified squamous Stratified cuboidal Pseudostratified columnar Transitional http://trc.ucdavis.edu/mjguinan/apc100/modules/TermsCells&Tissues/_topics.html
Simple Squamous Flattened cells 11/23/2018 Simple Squamous Flattened cells all cells have a free surfaces and are attached to basement membrane Usually lining blood vessels, air sacs of lungs http://trc.ucdavis.edu/mjguinan/apc100/modules/TermsCells&Tissues/ epithelial/simplesquamous/simplesquamous.html
Stratified Squamous Multiple layers of cells Resist wear and tear 11/23/2018 Stratified Squamous Multiple layers of cells Resist wear and tear Categorized by shape of surface cells Top layer are flat (Squamous) Esophagus, oral cavity Outer layer of skin Keratinized
Simple Cuboidal Single layer of cube-shaped cells 11/23/2018 Simple Cuboidal Single layer of cube-shaped cells Many times will have cilia or microvilli Found in tubes or ducts kidneys, liver, and many glands
Simple Columnar Elongated cylindrical cells 11/23/2018 Simple Columnar Elongated cylindrical cells nucleus near the bottom (basement membrane) Found in wall of uterus, small intestine may contain microvilli
Pseudostratified Columnar 11/23/2018 Pseudostratified Columnar Looks layered, really not all cells anchored to basement membrane Cell shape not uniform nucleus placement not uniform If cilia are present Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Found in respiratory tract
Glandular Epithelium Secretion of a product goblet cells Glands 11/23/2018 Glandular Epithelium Secretion of a product goblet cells found in PSCC and columnar epithelium secrete mucus Glands endocrine - inside the body exocrine - outside the body
Connective Tissue Keeps other tissues in place 11/23/2018 Connective Tissue Keeps other tissues in place Protein fibers found in C.T. 1. Collagen thick - resists stretching (tensile strength) Tendons and ligaments, scar tissue 10% of human’s weight
Connective Tissue 2. Elastin 3. Reticulin Elasticity and Extensibility 11/23/2018 Connective Tissue 2. Elastin Elasticity and Extensibility can stretch and return to original shape skin 3. Reticulin very thin not prominent
Connective Tissue Fig. 4-2 p. 91 Many types of connective tissue 11/23/2018 Connective Tissue Fig. 4-2 p. 91 Many types of connective tissue