Agenda 1/23/17 MONDAY HW: None TEKS: (6.7C) describe ways in which technology influences human interactions with the environment. (6.20A) give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world. Language Objective: Students will understand how humans change their environment. Industrial Revolution-Introductory Video Clip (4 minutes) WARM UP: TIMED BRAINDUMP- write down everything you know about the Industrial Revolution. You have two minutes from when I start timer. Industrial Revolution notes- preview/vocab/essential question HW: None
Europe Before Industrial Revolution
Europe After Industrial Revolution
Revolution a fundamental change in society that takes place in a relatively short period of time
What was the industrial revolution? Before the 1700s, many people lived as farmers. These people sometimes worked in small towns or villages. However, during the late 1700s and early 1800s, the world went through a period of industrialization. Advances in science and technology changed how people farmed and produced goods People began to use steam power to power new inventions and machinery. After industrialization, factory jobs became common. Young people who had lived on farms moved to cities to work in factories. Industrialization changed world economies. Factories began to use identical parts and assembly lines for mass production. Mass production helped factories lower the cost of creating goods and make more products available for people to buy. As more products became available for people to buy, more factories were needed. Even more people moved to cities and began working in factories.
“Change comes quickly and waits for no man!” Remember this quote… “Change comes quickly and waits for no man!”
Look carefully at this picture Ask students to think pair share – as you ask these questions: What interesting details do you see in the top set of panels? The middle set of panels? The bottoms set of panels? How are the pictures on the left different from those on the right? How might the inventions shown on the right have changed or improved life in Great Britain? For what purpose do you think this piece of art was created? If you were the artists, what title might you give this work?
Have students copy these vocabulary notes down in their student notebooks
TUESDAY 1/27/17 1. Problem- Based Learning Project: Suppose that you are an inventor during the American Industrial Revolution. Think about something that you could invent. Create a business plan with describes why people should be interested in your invention. Your plan should include: • the name of your invention and a sketch of what it looks like. • an explanation of what the invention does. • what methods of production you will use to make it. • how you will get your inventions to people around the world. • how it will change life for the people of America. 2. Closure: How do new discoveries and innovations impact our lives?
Agenda Wednesday 1/25/17 HW: None TEKS: (6.7C) describe ways in which technology influences human interactions with the environment. (6.20A) give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world. Language Objective: Students will understand how humans change their environment. Industrial Revolution Notes- read section 1 & 2 and complete handout HW: None
Thursday 1/26/17 TEKS: (6.7C) describe ways in which technology influences human interactions with the environment. (6.20A) give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world. Language Objective: Students will understand how humans change their environment. Industrial Revolution Notes- read section 3 & 4 and complete handout
Agenda Friday 1/27/17 TEKS: (6.7C) describe ways in which technology influences human interactions with the environment. (6.20A) give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world. Language Objective: Students will understand how humans change their environment. Industrial Revolution- read section 5 & complete the handout Complete all sections if needed HW: Industrialization handout due Tuesday 1/31/17