The Most Popular Thief In The World
“What About The Thief On The Cross?”
During His Lifetime, Jesus Forgave People Of Their Sins to Prove He Was The Son of God Forgave sins of man healed of palsy – Mark 2:5-12 Forgave Zacchaeus – Luke 19:9,10 Forgave penitent woman who bathed His feet with her tears – Luke 7:48-50 Forgave the woman caught in adultery forgiven by Jesus – John 8:3-11 Forgave the thief on the cross – Luke 23:43
Why do so many people inquire, “But what about the thief on the cross? Why not one of the others whom Jesus forgave?
The Commands of The Lord Are So Plain and Positively Given Regarding Salvation Mark 16:16 “He who believes and baptized will be saved” Many repudiate this command of Christ and say baptism is NOT essential to salvation “The thief was not baptized; therefore, I am not going to be baptized.” Somebody decided: “The thief on the cross was not baptized; therefore, no on today needs to be baptized to be saved.”
What Do We Know About This Thief? Displayed an amazing knowledge of Jesus Where did he learn “This man has done nothing wrong?” Luke 23:41 How did he know Jesus has power to do something for him after death? Luke 23:42 He knew the Lord’s Kingdom was yet in the future There is every reason to believe he heard Jesus preach
There Seems To Be No Question The Thief Was Saved But no one can prove he was saved without baptism – Matthew 3:5,6; John 4:1,2 Only God would have the knowledge to declare the thief was not baptized! The Thief Lived and Died Under The Law Of Moses! The New Testament Law was not in effect until after the death of Him Who made it – Hebrews 9:15-17
There Seems To Be No Question The Thief Was Saved Terms and conditions are effective AFTER the testator is dead Before the death of Jesus He could say to the woman. “Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 7:48 Or to the thief on the cross, “today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 No man on earth has the right to offer salvation for less or more than the terms stipulated
The Thief Died Before The Church Had Been Established Acts 2:11-15 All spiritual blessings are in the church – Ephesians 1:3; 5:26,27 One gets INTO CHRIST through BAPTISM - Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3,4 The Thief could not be baptized into the death of Christ because Jesus had not yet died
The Thief Could Not Know The Gospel As We Do 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Luke 24:46,47 Before the church was established, remission of sins had not been preached in the name of Jesus First Gospel sermon on First Pentecost after resurrection in Acts Chapter 2 Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized…for the remission of your sins.”
The Thief Could Not Know The Gospel As We Do In giving the world-wide commission Jesus commanded – Mark 16:15,16 Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus’ followers are “to observe all things” He commanded: Attend assemblies – Hebrews 10:24,25 Observe Lord’s Supper – 1 Corinthians 10,11 Give – 1 Corinthians 16:1,2 Study Word – 2 Timothy 2:15 Pray – Ephesians 5:20
The Thief On The Cross Is Not An Example Of How People Are Saved Under The New Testament Why should anyone seek to evade the plain teaching of the Bible on Salvation? The Only reason the thief on the cross is brought up today is to evade God’s command to be baptized. The thief did all the Lord asked him to do! Will you do as much?