Amy’s Story
The set for Amys Story - a modern day retelling of the story of the woman caught in adultery from John 8.
Amy shares her life story with Cheryl.
Setting Boundaries: Only date Christians Avoid sexual contact Don’t be alone Go out in a group Be a virgin when I marry Amy has a flashback to Mtha preaching about setting boundaries.
Keegan ("Tommy") sharing about using Amy on the rebound from Dave.
Soul-ties are created between Amy and Tommy.
The girl friends (Kaitlin and Jean) call each other to spread the news of the adultery.
The narrator (Mark) and the audience.
Kids staining Amy's T-Shirt with accusations!
Kids staining Amy's T-Shirt with accusations!
Kids Text Messaging to hurl vrtual stones of accusation at Amy.
The actual SMS’s that were posted to the live SMS Comment webpage during the event.
Pastor Andrew arrives to share with Amy.
Pastor Andrew leads Amy through a soul-tie cutting prayer.
Amy cuts the soul ties that were created between her and Dave and Tommy and Tommy's dad.
Cheryl covers Amy with a symbol of the blood of Jesus.
Amy's stained shirt!